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Everything posted by masmiffy

  1. Nice one lurcher! Will forward to my contacts in USA, should confuse the hell out of them!!!! One good thing about Americans.............................................most are in America! In their eyes there is only one country in the world (America) and one currency (dollars) Best I stop now!!!
  2. Once bolted a mink and a moorhen from the same burry! Oh and me dinner a few times gives you feking indegestion
  3. Bloody heck almost a novel!!! Shame about the 'snow storm' but needs must as they say? Just dried out all the gear, and myself! Guess what the sun is out! Sods law aint it?
  4. Around 15p our way but thats for frozen. Prob about 500 a time!!! Price of carts now its hardly worth it, you need to shoot at least 2 per cart now!!! Cant believe lead is that expensive, if it is no wonder the travelling crowd nick it! In China I hear carts are way below half price of UK!!!! Just a quick thought as per Holdaway I did get up to 50p each about 20 years ago from my local butcher. Why wont people eat them? May as well moan on what about the price for a brace of phesants?
  5. Bussa origins in USA. The yanks keep ferrets like cats indoors, litter trained etc. Mine were always friendly but the buggers used to stash half eaten bunnies under the sofa!!!
  6. Never used locator till started going again this year with bussa! Had probs fisrt time out with a slipped collar, cured by changing to leather! They seem OK just bloody expensive! Previously always used jills loose and if needed a hob on a line, who remembers that? Never really dug much but tried to avoid ferreting when young about!
  7. Great offer mate just wish I were closer! Your bound to get some takers. Good luck.
  8. Cant really fault them. Poss not the cheapest but their 'original purchaser' gaurantee is spot on. I have a Titan Manitou, bought from them as a kit. It was returned to them late last year for an 'overhaul' No questions asked, apart from the obvious, and it was serviced. Not too sure what or how but it is shooting just the same as when it was new.
  9. Twist to this thread. Range for 3in magnum BB. Think the guns a remmy auto! Seen a guy on DVD shooting foxes at 60+ yds?
  10. Hi mate has a Logun S16-S complete kit, he has never used it! Prob get it for a song? Let me know if you may be interested. He in in Cambs nr Huntingdon.
  11. Mate it looks like real fun! Hows it go 2 up? Speaking of gates one of my farms has his gates all padlocked every ferkin padlock is a different key!!!!!!
  12. Didnt know you were a cat lover bussa? Prefer my pussies with no teeth or claws
  13. Was always of the opinion that fleas need a 'warm host'! Shot some bunnies Tue night, it was freezing!, they were on the pickup until about 11pm. Got home and put them on my concete worshop floor. Took them to work this morning for bigreds ferrets! Had them in a 4 deg cold room all day until he picked them up at about 3:30. When we looked at them there were still fleas on them! Not something I had seen before! How long do the bloody things live with no warm host?
  14. No point 'gut shooting' with an air rifle! Head is best makes no odds if it 177 or 22 with the right pellet and distance! Practice the field craft and get within range!!
  15. Want to Airgunner but have an appointment with the bunnies at 8:30 and if I dont turn up someone else will get the nod! Cant afford to give up permission for a footy match, but hope United win eh!
  16. What a superb bag with an air rifle must have been great sport! Well done! What gun what pellets?
  17. HI Mate there used to be a dealer at Little Staughton called Oscar Jordan. Oscar is dead but I think his son still does it!
  18. Was always told this one by my great uncle. 'Two thing in life you will never see boy, a poor farmer nor a dead donkey' Just thought of another couple! If you can piss you can paint If its a pain in the arse your doing it wrong!
  19. Got a goatee myself its great works just like velcro!
  20. Did wonder what it was as the wife said 'the earth moved for me thank you' Roll on the next one!!!
  21. Yep watched it last night. Altogether a strange set up! Also never seen wire 'nets' before!
  22. Hi I have a friend whos an ex London house gunsmith. He builds his own 22-250 rifles over here plus custom varmint rifles. He always says the Remmington 700 is one of the best 'off the peg' rifles. One thing springs to mind! All rifles are accurate its the person shooting who oftem isnt!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Have to agree great for locating not so hot on tracking! Your best to change the collars to leather, we had ours 'slip off' the jill. Had to dig down 5' in flint to recover just the collar! Fine now though with the 'new' leather ones.
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