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Everything posted by masmiffy

  1. Thanks all for the advice will try various things and see. It is an 'inherited' gun so zero cost to me! Dogs have also had same thing with mags any advice pm me please. Thanks again.
  2. Try a small shed for the 'dry' housing and work out from that with a court. Frank that is superb
  3. Hi have been knocking down the local rabbit population using a ruger 10/22 and subsonics. Keep getting problems with jamming. Sometimes the spent shell doesnt fully eject and then no autoload! Taken to gunshop who tried it using other ammo ie not subsonic and it was fine Anyone have any idea why it would jam on subsonics only?
  4. Managed to get a couple of hours in a local lake sat. Fishing off my mates houseboat in 11' water with sweetcorn on a 5m pole. Had 2 tench 1 at 7lb 1 at 5lb plus a 51/2 lb bream. Pics on my mates phone will try to convert, it was a great afternoon!
  5. Tend not to shoot over ferts unless its really required. Just use my 12 bore but if I had a 20 think that would be the one I would take.
  6. John Grisham Martina Cole Kathy Reichs Patricia Cornwell Dan Brown
  7. Not sure about advantage its something a mate has built. His last build was the 22.250 and he is bound to have something to say about it. He was responsible for the introduction of the 22.250 to UK years ago. Will ask at the weekend.
  8. Congratulations mate and the fert grub is in my garage. Does this mean we have extra hands when out with the ferts? You with a papoose should be interesting
  9. Not with an air gun but have with a shotgun! Was beating on our local shoot, last drive was the 'home wood' where birds went out over a low meadow. There were some Hungarian guests who shot at anything. Near the end of the drive a couple birds went out low, we saw the gun take aim and had time to turn round! Both barrels straight at us, got peppered with shot which bounced off my Barbour! Thankfully we were far enough away for it not to penetrate. Did give the 'guest' a polite mouthfull after though
  10. Good advice Logic 223 is a cheaper load and is very effective! Step up to the 22.250 at a later stage perhaps? Logic you seen a 22-4000?
  11. Hi Squirrel, Yep the Titan is a cracker good looking outfit as well! Only downside is its single shot ! Got a Rapid MFR 'on loan' from a mate but still prefer the Titan! No eared rabbit must be a dream cos they aint gonna hear you creeping up on em !!
  12. Out last night on a friends paddock trying to keep down the population a bit. Shot a half grown rabbit with just one ear! Looked like it was born like it anyone seen it before? Got pics on phone but daughter has 'borrowed' my lead will upload when I get it back!!! Did get a couple more one at 46yds? Not something I would normally shoot at though! Titan Manitou using Air Arms field pellets!
  13. Hi Dullahan, Buckden myself! On local TV last night 28th was a bit about these blackies did you catch it?
  14. Hi mate could be a grass seed worked its way in. Have had spaniels doing the same, nearly aways what it was. Dont leave it too long before the vet though! Did also have a recipie for a canker treatment / prevention from my godfather who worked spaniels. Was a mix of Tetmasol and peroxide! made up for him buy a chemist. Used watered down I think, his dogs never had crappy ears!
  15. 22.250 is a great varmint calibre. I have a gunsmith friend who built his own rifle and its great for long range stuff. He has now produced his own 22.4000 which I have yet to see. Think its 303 necked down to .22 with 4000fps mv? His recomendation for a first 'off the shelf varmint rifle' is always the remmy 700 in .223
  16. If you can get a copy of Pigeon Shooting by Major Archie Coates there are recipies in there. Over the years he shot thousands and his wife Pru wrote a chapter in this book on cooking them. Its also a good read as well!!
  17. found this from a past topic! Reverses the last theory! QUOTE (masmiffy @ Apr 8 2008, 10:58 AM) Probably been around before but how is MV affected by pellet weight? ie if a gun produces 12ft/lb with Bisley Magnum (21.4 grain) what would it be with Air arms field at 16 grain? Is it a relative thing? reply from bill88 Generally speaking a heavier pellet will produce a higher ftlb's figure than a lighter pellet,although the reverse is true with a spring powered gun. A bisley mag weighing 21.4 grain leaving a pcp at 502 fps will be almost exactly 12ftlbs,therefore a 16 grain
  18. Hi Sean, I did call into Theoben a bout a year back to get my dive bottle re charged. Was having a chat with them and it was mentioned that buddy bottles 'now need a ticket' Will also ask the same question though why doesnt a 'fixed cylinder' need testing?
  19. Hey just thought the fert will have young soon so your in for a real treat! Nowt wrong with the hob mate hes a good un just a bit big!
  20. Thanks bussa now they all think ive gone soft! Yes we do have a couple in our garden, got a walnut tree! Would get major grief from kids and Mrs if they suddenly 'dissapeared' I am in canbs also and hadnt seen a black squirrrel untill there 'appeared' about 3 - 4 years ago. They seem to live together with the grey quite happily. Was told there were lots in Herts so guess they have made their way north. Houses are cheaper this way but doubt they commute Dullahan where in cambs?
  21. Good point Mal perhaps a warning on pellet tins would be a good idea. At least it would make people aware that it is possible to alter the mv with just a change of pellet brand/type!
  22. Why bother with the hospital use the big albino hob to flush it out Seriously though good luck to you both. Drop in when you like!
  23. Perhaps his cammo suit is better quality now and no one can find him?
  24. Agree with Logun here. Should be down to the manufacturer to 'set up' 12ftlb rifles to just that. I know Falcon used to test with Bisley magnums to get just under 12ftlb. Pretty sure that lighter pellets will produce less ftlb? So as has been said set up with the heaviest to just under the limit and you should be safe. Unless lilly law has got PMT
  25. Hi mate, Yes its a wildcat round he also does 22.250 in wildcat. Built his 22.250 himself so this is a 'home built' rifle as well I should think! As far as I am aware its a 303 necked down to .22 22 calibre with 4000fps MV Will find out more on how it goes when I see him this weekend! He regurlarly shoots charlie 300yds+ with the 22.250 so this will be interesting!
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