My departed godfather, a very keen shooting man, took in two cubs once and raised them in his garage!
They used to wander off and return when they liked!
His garage did have that 'foxy' smell to it though!
Hi mate and welcome.
Myxamatosis always seems 'seasonal'and is spread by the rabbit flea.
It is not a 'transferable' disease it only affects bunnies (wild or tame)
Round our way we do see rabbits with it but never as badly affected as years ago!
I would imagine most now survive and pass on an immunity to their offspring.
Good hunting.
Eating rabbits with it wont harm you but who would want to anyway?
Must admit same thing happend to me and bussa first time we used the 'new' collar and MK3
Fert 'slipped' the collar and appeared at a net.
We had to dig down 5' to retreive it but at £40 what else would you do?
Paunch em in the field saves carrying home the extra weight!
As for the 'offal' my great aunt would have killed me if I chucked it away, makes the gravy!!!
Or she would have eaten it herself.
Grandad always ate the brains as well!!
Have a huge bag with 75 in it!
My fert partner usually brings 25 or so as well.
Never had to use them all thankfully.
Also never used a long net!
Many years ago I do remember setting 100 nets in a long ditch took forever.
Did produce around 30 rabbits though!!
Loads round our way been out most Thursdays lamping and had 50+ with the rimmy!
Also shot loads with my Titan .22 after work.
Getting more difficult now though cos everything is growing so fast
Try Jewish bog paper!
All you need is a one inch (25cm) square of paper.
Could use the foil from a fag packed, if you can still afford to smoke!
Carefully fold in half then half again.
Tear out the non open corner and keep safely to one side.
Open out the square.
It now has a hole in the middle.
Insert finger through the hole and wipe arse with the finger.
Gather the paper round the finger and clean off shite!!!
Whats the corner bit for???
Use it to get the shite from under your nails!!!!
Anytime bussa let me know when.
The lake has loads of big tench but is now gettin gin clear!
Had lots of good ones last year to 7lb as well as did a neighbour.
Still trying for the pics!
Out again last night put around rounds through with only 1 jam!
Had some good shots up to 75yds and poss knocked over 60 plus bunnies!!
The mags used are standard factory 9 shot.
And thanks again to all for the information.
Ditch is right this was covered a while ago.
I have a couple of the black ones in my back garden (Buckden Cambs) they seem to get on OK with the greys certainly havent scared them off yet!
Was also told Hertfordshire had loads so guess they are working north.
Def hadnt seen them local until about 3 years back