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Everything posted by masmiffy

  1. It wont I ride a m/bike and mrs car is £35 a year to tax!! Fecking bike is dearer now!!!!
  2. Nice looking trap mate! Had both a maggie and jackdaw as 'pets' when I was young! Magpie drowned in a waterbutt! Must have seen its reflection and thought it was an intruder? Dont think you can keep them now though. Seem to remember the old fellas used to split the tongues to help them talk?
  3. Cant beat nostalgia. When I was a nipper spent all my holidays in my uncles cattle lorries collecting from farms delivering to the 'local' markets and then on to the slaughter houses after the sales. Markets at St Neots, St Ives, Bedford, Cambridge, Northampton, Kettering and Thrapston to name a few! Think only Thrapston is still running? Happy days but changing times now!
  4. Mate has a Logun S16 its a beast but accurate. Bought the thing as a 'kit' but now wants rid I think [got a Rapid MFR] If you interested will put you in touch!
  5. Nice piece of tree timber look for some fallen stuff they love climbing anything.
  6. Any dog with teeth will bite its their only way of saying f**k off! Most dogs are what you make em!
  7. That didnt take long? and where is my introductory cut? Still now you have some cash wanna buy either a Rapid MFR, Logun S16 or MK6 Airsporter
  8. Take a bit of practice but what a time saver! As for Ramsey I just cant believe someone hasnt decked him by now, what an arrogant tw*t he is!!!!!!
  9. Thanks Kay but Spacky is ok now and runs about no probs. Bussa gave him some antibiotic which must have worked!! As for tight that I aint but have never sold a fert or paid for one yet!
  10. Had the poley hob which had the bad back legs if you remember the posts? And an albino jill who is a typical woman!!!
  11. Got my 2 new ferts Sat courtesy of bigredbussa. A big thanks to him! Thankfully the hutch was ready and they have settled in OK. Spacky still seems to be fine!
  12. Just clocked this on the net. Thought the yanks were toe only daft ones with ferts!! http://www.ferretcouture.co.uk
  13. masmiffy


    Thanks guys, just found this might try it? Pickled Walnuts Pickling walnuts is a three-week process from picking to preserving, it is dead simple to make a plentiful supply of pickled walnuts Ingredients 2kg freshly picked black walnuts 225g salt Sweet Pickling Syrup 1 litre malt vinegar 500g brown sugar 1 teaspoon allspice 1 teaspoon cloves ½ teaspoon cinnamon 1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger Method In the UK pick walnuts at the end of June before the hard nut forms inside the green shiny case. Pick a bucketful and, wearing rubber gloves, prick eac
  14. masmiffy


    Have a large walnut tree in the garden next to me which is loaded. Has anyone tried pickling walnuts? If yes what the best way. Was told now is the time to pick them but thats as much as I got!
  15. Good to hear mate but what does this now mean? On a different track Fancy some walnuts for pickling?
  16. Great invitation so good luck. My kids once told teacher at primary school that 'daddy goes hunting and shooting' all I got was a fecking lecture off the teacher and the school!!! Bear in mind the school is in a small village in the countryside!! Put it down to ignorant town / city folk who move to the 'countrside' What do they expect?
  17. Deepest sympathy been there done that! Just a thought moor the boat under a elder bush was always told you never get mozzies round one of them!
  18. Cant fault either of mine! First wifes mum I still see and get on really well with. Same with the second MIL get on real well. I put it down to natural charm Shame I dont get on with their the daughters the same
  19. Must admit my ferreting mate has some they seem OK. Mine are all wooden. Last bunch made from hazel its free except for the effort in cutting etc
  20. Saw this item on another forum and thought it may well be of interest! Noticed on other web sites that people are having to ask questions on how, what etc the Police use, when testing Airguns for legal limit power. Couple of years back a chap WON his case in the High Court, after the Police had confiscated his airguns, then said they'd not prosecute IF he allowed them to scrap them, at the same time saying that their Firearms/Gunsmith had tested his guns and ALL were over the legal limit of 12ft.lbs. They refused to say what pellet's were used and by whom, so he took them to the
  21. Presume these for the young hob? Perhaps a lead injection would be best
  22. Cant remember wher this quote came from some TV show or other it think? 'Round em up put em in a field and bomb the bas**rds'
  23. Hi and welcome, Any 12G will work its the range cartridge and shot size thats the key!!
  24. Has to be said good pic. Wouldnt want to shag it though
  25. I have a wooden crow call but cant remember the maker! Works very well if used with decoys just dont go mad with it. Havent really tried with the air rifle but have had big bags with the 12G.
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