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Everything posted by masmiffy

  1. Bloody hell thought this would draw more! Have to agree with you both tend to stick to one mag myself usually about 5 on my adjustable on my Titan 12ft lb
  2. I have several damascus blades and although they are verry good looking knives they dont hold an edge the way folk say they do, quality knives all the same Have to agree damascus it good looking always thought it was a 'strength' steel? Saying that Samurai sword steel is layered and folded cant get much sharper than them! Opinel use carbon steel and its easier to sharpen than stainless in my opinion.
  3. Have to agree when it was 'basic' it was a good watch now its money and PC stuff its not so good. Anyone remember his chicken farm programme?
  4. EU rules. Germans make them French break the we abide by them whos the stupid ones?
  5. Mac we all know its not difficult to get anywhere illegally is it Problem we have is we accept them when we find them other countries send them back! Frogs help them over the channel because they dont want them! Some countries you cant get into 'legally' without a lot of effort and some financial backing or a job to go to!
  6. Nice job mate looks good! Ever made a knife with carbon steel? Think it would sharpen better than 440 stainless?
  7. The country is indeed going down the toilet fast! Too many people coming in from th 'EU' [and how big is that now?] Talk about Thatcher why not get back good old Enoch Powell! Who remembers that speech? Not far wrong was he
  8. Just a quick one! Bearing in mind that most, non FAC, air rifles are used at 30 - 40yd ranges is there any real advantage in having variable magnification? Surely a 4 x 40/50 is adequate. At higher mag say 9 and above, although a target seems bigger/closer, there can be a 'shake' problem! Standing well back for this
  9. I now know why I havent returned to the trade since getting made reduntant the last time the housing market went down the pisser! Just a thought on that subject as well. At the time house builders were blamed for the 'slump' for being greedy. I wonder who it is that sets house prices isnt it ESTATE AGENTS after all they are on commission higher the price the more the commission!
  10. Priceless. Bet Carole was all in a flap Well she seem to know anyway!
  11. Bussa go for Chris's Hilux at least you can shoot off the back! Freelander almost a hairdressers motor
  12. If it was caught in a Fenn Trap it would be a dead un! Or the pratt setting it didnt do it right!
  13. Fish pie is mainly white fish though isnt it kay? Fairly true mackem but my mate does a mean one with mostly 'white' fish and a bit of trout or salmon few added prawns and mussels, keeps it 'interesting'!
  14. Saw someone gett rid of a poley jill today free! Look in the for sales! Also try the pinned 'for sale or free' at the top of this forum!!
  15. You may well be able to get some of this years young if somone has a surplus! Have a look on here and see theres often people with ferts to sell or, if they aint greedy, give to good working homes!
  16. Prob get 'The computer says no!' The yanks do go a bit mad sometimes eh!
  17. how come every post i put up or read about ferrets you think your gods gift you all ways have to put some smart sarcastic anser just because your a moderater does not make you it or it might be the CAPITALS that set him off
  18. Had a Springer myself I used for beating she did much the same! Never really cured her in open cover but the thicker stuff she was steady in cos she couldnt see so much! Not sure you will totally cure the problem but good luck!
  19. Got him in Offord!!! Most rabbits are interbred must explain the 'buck' teeth Good thing was I got to within 5 yds of him as he couldnt hear Bussa you want one for the ferts?
  20. The ears just looked like stumps really. Not 'scabby' just 'normal' but stumpy! Another pic!
  21. Out last night for some fert grub. Got these two one had no ears! Not sure what to make of it they were stubs covered with fur so looked as if it had grown like it.
  22. Found this on you tube! Some shooting eh? Did hear that Percy Stanbury used to shoot clays from a high tower with a .22 but this is a bit different! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zXfh_PAT8Lk
  23. Hi mate Barbour used to do a repair rewax service at a reasonable price [compared to a new jacket anyway] Had mine done some years back new zip, patches on the holes, half lining, bound cuffs and hem and a rewax. Came back looking like new but still felt like the old faithful coat!
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