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Everything posted by masmiffy

  1. I put in for 22 17 and 223 all at same time on first application and got all 3. No mentor but FEO knew I have been out shooting with mate on his permissions with all 3 calibres. You do need the permissions that have been approved for the calibres. A visit from FEO, or a call to him, should indicate what your likely to get.
  2. Was always told that a coot was a good bird to use as the feathers dont come out very easy. Dog gets used to carrying feathers with no mouthful of loose ones!!
  3. I know mate but wouldn't you like to! That's why I posted the picture. Looks a good craic thats for sure. You recon I could get a lottery grant lol
  4. Just got my first ticket through its got 22 rimfire 17HMR and 223 [all with 'un-named' mods] on it.
  5. Another repair guy off here!! http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/266025-mark1-finder-repairer-and-collar-seller/
  6. Sure I saw a post on here for another guy who can repair just cant remember who sorry. Just had a search try this guy good luck http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/266025-mark1-finder-repairer-and-collar-seller/
  7. Vitara all the way we 'custom topped' ours for lamping it the dogs nuts!!!
  8. I would rather have a go at this !!!
  9. Its iIllegal to lamp deer but sure someone will help fox wise! Again the old saying 'if you were closer' springs to mind
  10. When I was ferreting I had one of these with the blade cut short did me for 20 years, bit heavy for a mooch but good tool. My ferreting mate had the small spade did the job but I didnt like the V shaped blade! http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&pq=drainage+tool&cp=9&gs_id=2p&xhr=t&q=drain+spade&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bpcl=36601534&biw=1280&bih=923&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=11109663895629571991&sa=X&ei=1-KQUI-uGsqs0QWupoEQ&sqi=2&ved=0CEgQ8wIwAQ
  11. Not to forget they are in USA NEVER trust the yanks!!!!
  12. Has to be said that it will be the best £15 you spend on the rifle Its so easy to fit and changes the trigger completely!!
  13. You have very limited choice Deben have it sown up and rip us off wicked! Look round for deals cos what your after is gonna be way over £200 Saw a post earlier that a guy on here is trying to make them! I personally hope he succeeds those robbing b*****ds at Deben need fecking with the rough end of a pineapple!!!
  14. The 'cull' will never happen! Last sentence was the best advice
  15. Whatever you do will sell well so long as it works and is cheaper than the Deben stuff!! Good luck
  16. Many years back myself and a mate had a great night on rats at a local grain store with air rifles. Started at 9 and left at 1am total was just over 100 from memory!! Just thought I was using a BSA Airsporter (cant remember what mate had) neither of us had a moderator or night vision either!
  17. masmiffy


    My mate still uses a cut throat does the whole bit sharpens and strops it himself. You might need a 'lesson' cos its def a skill not to nick yaself!! http://www.shaving-shack.com/razors/
  18. We must do too good a job on our permissions. Had 96 last year from harvest time to around Nov. This year just 56!
  19. Is this a rifle with the Hogue overmold stock? If it is have a look and see if the fore end is twisting when you hold it in normal 'field shooting' positions. You may find that the stock is touching the barrel and affecting accuracy and consistency. My stock is as flexible as a fishing rod and its one thing that I knew when I bought the rifle. As soon as funds allow, a good stock will be fitted. This is a known problem with the overmold stocks but the actions themselves are outstanding. Also the triggers are simplicity itself to adjust. Is there any advice in Howa handbook about tri
  20. Look good Just wondered as with all 'file knives' some blades seem quite thick! Can you grind them down to make a thinner blade?
  21. Tel her to seek out Mahouj Krishna at North Tees Hospital. Is he related to Hari Krishna Link to his site http://www.spinalsurgeon.com/
  22. Hi Fiona good luck with the application. I am sat waiting for mine (also co-terminus) to hit the mat have got 22 rimfire 17HMR and 223 on mine. I have been using a mates Howa 1500 (in his company) and its a good rifle if a little heavy on the trigger! Set up like his should be around £480 rifle £300 moderator £500(+) scope £50 bipod £25 sling (all approx numbers)
  23. 17 HMR will do both NP and leave your rabbits edible. Bigger calibres are far to expensive to feed for rabbits and you def wont be eating them!
  24. Shop bought lock knife go for a carbon blade Opinel or if fixed blade then a Mora. (personally for rabbits I prefer a lock blade and not too big either!) There are loads about try http://www.bladesandbows.co.uk/folding-knives-44-c.asp all sorts for all sorts of prices. Have to agree that midnight has done some super stuff.
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