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Everything posted by masmiffy

  1. Not a massive bag but 88 for 102 spent cartridges on drilled beans in an afternoon! Was well chuffed with it Mind my springer was a bit fed up in the end! Dont do any decoying now the farm is all direct drill into stubble which is left 18 inches high!!! Bast~~ds
  2. No addiction think they look nice! Fancy a black eyed white as well. And did have sandys in my youth
  3. About to put my albino jill in with a mates sliver hob. Guess its likely to throw all colours?
  4. Have done it for years using a 12G with 6's for bunnies. Two shoot one lamps and drives can cover a lot of ground quite quick. The noise is the big drawback for sure but it works for us. On one shoot close to me we used to account for around 1000 on the stubble until it was ploughed up! Also use a Ruger 10/22 semi with great effect and its a lot quieter!
  5. Had some breeks from John Norris in Penrith couldnt fault either the service or the breeks
  6. Said I thought it may well adjust at the weekend! Mind I know someone who has a very nice Grand Vitara for sale
  7. Found a dive supplier near me, Huntingdon Cambs, who can fill and do the tests. Was quoted £25 for Hydro test and fill, didnt think that was bad? Think just a visual and fill is £20. Got to get mine done so will see how it goes. Anyone wanting the shop details pm me!
  8. Once again the law being an arse! Has the handgun ban stopped them being used in 'crime'? NO Will a knife ban stop people getting stabbed? NO Will banning air guns stop idiots using them? NO I am all for a 'safe society', as I am sure we all are, but nothing the government will do, or has done yet, will stop guns or knives being used in crime! At the end of the day licencing makes sense but guns used illegally are not on a ticket are they?
  9. I got a Titan Manitou cracking rifle and made around same time as the bearcat. Snatch his hand off!
  10. Good point! So for clarification how to tell the difference between 8' collor and 15' collar 8' locator and 15' locator Just wondered as my locator has 8' on the wheel! The only difference between the two locators is the sticker. If you are using an 8' locator with a 15' collar then just double the distance shown. If the other way round then half the distance. As someone else said, 8' collars have one battery. 15' have 2. To calibrate you adjust 2 pot resistors with a screwdriver. Its a bit of trial and error to get it right, but definitely not worth paying Deben £50 for
  11. Great answer thanks. What I cant believe is try as you might, and I have, you cant get any info on the bloody things from Deben If they dont make them anymore what is their problem? Apart from trying to get you to stump up for the new MK3! You would think that they would be proud to see such a well loved bit of kit still being used? Its really basic electronics, I am told, but with part numbers scratched off everything its a dead loss to repair! Deben never made em anyway I think they were made for them 'under licence' if only we could find that person eh?
  12. Hey that man! I have got an original Titan Manitou in .22 its a great rifle for sure and looks nice as well. Only single shot but never caused me any problems! I also stick with a 4 x 40 scope what more do you need for a 12ft/lb rifle shooting on average 30 - 35yds?
  13. Good point! So for clarification how to tell the difference between 8' collor and 15' collar 8' locator and 15' locator Just wondered as my locator has 8' on the wheel!
  14. Finally got my MK1 back from a radio 'expert' mate. He recons one of the chips is not working, typical Deben no help and they scratch off the codes!! I tried it last night and it seems to work ok out to about 6', poss more, then gets a non click 'feedback' type noise. so the questions are. 1) How to calibrate? [ie the range at which it locates at present doesnt match the dial numbers] 2) Does anyone have the chip number? 3) What causes the 'non click' past 6'
  15. The hare was shot with snow on the ground and it did take 5 rounds to get it, 4 sighters and the final shot. It was also shot against a big upslope so pretty safe. Think from memory it was 'paced' at 720 yds. He is a great long range shot and was responsible for the introduction of the 22-250 into UK as a wildcat rifle. Now in process of building a 20 cal varmint rifle!
  16. How far you want to shoot? 1000yds has gotta be targets! Friend uses 22-250 and 22-4000 and hes taking foxes way out past 350yds. Seen him take crows at 300yds! And one shot etched on my mind, a hare at over 500yds!
  17. They exist round here also, Cambs! Had a couple a few years back on some land near Grafham Water. They taste just the same as a 'normal' coloured one
  18. Bit of a no no I think, as has been said thay need to be able to defend themselves if they have to! From memory didnt some people clip the points off ferts teeth to stop em killing? Not a good thing to do either is it?
  19. If you only have one collar I would, personally, put it on a hob if you have one? Let the jill run free and if she does lay up put the hob in, he should find her and either put her off or stay with her and the rabbit! Sure people will have other ideas?
  20. Thanks. I agree its personal. I havent looked down the barrel of a s/s yet but possibly may get a chance this weekend. Was just thinking of this just now and realised that even though both the barrels' (o/u) are in the same line of sight but their pattern elevations are different, unlike s/s where the elevations are same but line of sight is offset for each barrel. I will need to focus more on the hidden barrel (u) when shooting clays now. Sure is a personal thing but for me its o/u every time. Dont think you need to even consider the 'elevation' of the barrels it wont make any diffe
  21. Yep was a good day Brimmer and no its not the 3200 acres still no decision on that Looks like you lads are going to be busy! Get at em! Not enough hours in the day mate. Biggest problem is you hate to let your existing permissions down!
  22. Yep was a good day Brimmer and no its not the 3200 acres still no decision on that
  23. Hi mate for me the o/u is best for all aspects but thats a personal thing! I dont like looking down the two barrels of a s/s prefer the rib of a o/u. I had a double trigger s/s and couldnt get on with it, perhaps a single trigger would have been better! The weight thing if carying in the field, ie a lot of walking, then s/s are generally a lot lighter. So if walked up is your thing and weight is an issue try a 20G o/u! For clays thought try to find a nice lightweight o/u,12G or 20G, get used to it and shoot everything with it!
  24. Had a birthday outing with chimp on Sun on his new permission, thanks to him for the day and company! Second weekend we had been on this particular field! Farmer had flailed out some more of the ditches for us to 'get on' Had a very long walk from the van and it didnt look that good! Managed just 6! We decided to start back and have a go at a big warren under a bit of blackthorn. It ran for about 30yds and we put down a good few nets! Took a good while to complete the job but the ferts worked well and we got 19 out of it! Total for the day 25, same as last weekend! In all 50 rabbits o
  25. We get £1.70 [paunched] from our local meat wholesaler! May have posted this before
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