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Everything posted by masmiffy

  1. Try Mick Dadd hes the one I know fixes em
  2. Hi mate I have a MK1 box with no collars. Have tested it with a MK3M collar and it seems to be working fine. Could well be interested in selling it.
  3. A light pair of trousers then a pair of Barbour or similar overtrousers cant be beaten!! Have worn wax proof stuff when ferreting and beating for the past 30 years
  4. Yep have done the freeze thing myself in fact I looked last night and I have got some in the freezer!! My dad has done sloe gin with almonds but too much sugar spoils it I recon! Wonder what it would be like with a few cloves in it? Anyone tried this?? As for eating em off the bush .............................................. DONT
  5. Nice set up. My mate just got this model in 17HMR brand new for £250!
  6. not done sloe vodka but may well be tempted Sloe whiskey is OK . Well at least it gets rid of the Bells lol
  7. we only saw 41 birds lol You've done well then mate cause theres 43 in the pic'........ Yes mate there is but I had 4 with 2 shots and it was a left and right
  8. Yeah for light loads They do the bussiness over the decoys a treat!
  9. They are 2 seperate models Cz American & CZ Varmint you cannot get a American with a Varmint barrel, you do not need a heavy barrel on a HMR so i would go for the American of the 2 named, if i had the choice though i would go for the Style in synthetic/nickel good or all weather. I have a .22 American, cracking rifles. The 'American' stock style is the same on the Varmint model. I think it was a hint to get away from the 'ugly' stock on the standard lux and farmer. Any how a spanking new heavy (short) barreled version was purchased at very reasonable cost! [£250 just over]
  10. I asked the very same question to a friend. He is a gunmaker, custom varmint rifles, and worked for a very well known London house years back. His answer without hesitation was CZ American with a varmint barrel.
  11. I was under the impression that any official docking certificate or document was to originate from the vet concerned. All vets who dock insist on the pups being chipped as well so there should be a chip record as well!!
  12. I cant believe ho lucky you were! There was a guy near me who got stung 3 - 4 times by a wasp and died. As far as I know he wasnt alergic! Went into anaphylactic shock his wife called doctor / 999 they got him round after shocking him a few times. Were going to give up but his wife pleaded with em to keep going. He was in hospital [coma] for a week then they decided to turn off the life support. He had been without oxygen for over 12 mins at the original scene so was no hope really. Make you wonder how a dog survives
  13. masmiffy


    All this has made me think of this classic from the Python gang, brilliant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4Z_b-06BDk
  14. This isnt a daft as it may seem. I asked a guy off another forum if his dad could fix my locator. He said np send it but have you tried a LW radio it will work. His dad was a bit of a wiz and found that a LW radio picked up the signal from a MK1 collar. Use the tuning dial to find the signal ]best done before you go into the field] and the volume control to determine the depth! [again practice befopre venturing out] I guess mark the vol dial with numbers to give you a depth! I have never tried it myself as I got a good deal on a MK3 with collars!
  15. he would of been shooting behing when using clear pigeons, trap cartridges are faster its not the cartridges, its the person pointing the gun clear pigeon are not s**t cartridges, they will and do kill 7 n half 28 grams is just disrepespect for your quarry and gives shooters a bad name WTF I have used 28 7 1/2 and if decoying no prbs at all. Used to use winchester and ely 1oz loads in 12G And what about the 20 bore boys!!!
  16. No such thing as locators when I started out. We ran the jills loose and had a hob as a 'liner' If the jills did lay up, and it wasnt that often, you put a collar and line on the hob. The line would be marked every yard [meter] which gave you an idea of how far he was away! Then it was get out the spade and dig following the line.
  17. Love the sound of Bert the Ferts heart recipie Braised heart is a nice dish, bit similar to liver but more open textured! Oh there is another super one pigs liver and bacon caserole!! My great aunt always had pigs heads trotters and made what she called 'collered head' [brawn] She also made oxtail soup with lots of pearl barley in it!
  18. What pellets you use to get the mushrooms? I have tried all sorts but they make a real mess :whistling:
  19. Here we go again nearly as popular as 'show us you bullx' Go for a .20 mate best of both worlds just not many about!!!
  20. Are the big bunnies red? If so could make a whole lotta difference to your choice!
  21. For decoying I have used some light loads in 7's. Clay club had some 'bin ends' for £128 / 1000 cant remember what they were but the got me bags of up to 140+
  22. Spot on mate will be getting one as soon as I have some spare cash!!
  23. I dont think there is such a thing as cheap waterproofs that work and dont make you sweat! You gotta pay for summat decent
  24. From memory coax caps fit these mate nick some off your TV!!
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