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Everything posted by masmiffy

  1. A legend in the shooting world, Shooting Times' much-loved columnist John Humphreys has died. I had the pleasure of meeting him for a chat once he was a great man. R.I.P. http://www.shootingtimes.co.uk/news/531727/John_Humphreys__Country_Gun_passes_away.html
  2. As in every walk of life there are good and bad, generally the bad stain the thoughts of everyone and we all know s##t sticks! The one thing that confuses most is the term 'traveller' as has been stated earlier in the thread they very seldom travel anymore and tend to want to stay in one place.
  3. Creep!! aye that`l be right lol Should keep em from trying to tarmac ya drive with the 'leftovers' from a job down the road!
  4. Next its gonna be 'you can shoot hares but the lurcher is the proper tool for the jobl' The proper tool is what is in your hand when you see charlie at a suitable range !!!
  5. I recon we have all shot fox with what is at hand at the time be it 12G 22LR 17HMR or above, usually with the same result!! Dead fox!!!!!!!!
  6. You may well be suprised at how quick they respond and lets face it they make the rifle!
  7. At the risk of sounding obvious why not email Ruger and ask them!!!
  8. Was so warm in the truck the other night I was nodding off had to turn the heater off!! Shot like a plum so mate took over and I lamped, the home made call worked a treat!!!
  9. The only good thing about this is 'if' the thing is built in UK then a few blokes will have a job (unless they now employ our foriegn friends) Bad thing country in debt and they are thinking of a new yacht for the Queen !!!!!!!! FFS why isnt there uproar!!!
  10. Oh you got the bug now! Thats 5 in a week!
  11. Will almost certainly be hair, had to do mine a few times. Think there is a liquid you can get which supposedly dissolves it! Or go to superdrug and get a tube of real cheap hair remover, squirt some don the plughole and leave overnight. Flush with hot water in the morning!
  12. Time for clubs to waste even more money on stupidly overpriced players who want a kings ransom for a weeks wage! [well them and their 'agents'] If a club dont have a stupid rich benefactor or owner they stand no real chance!
  13. Seems we all have different ideas along the same lines. Personally if ferreting I would 'thumb' them straight away leg em and hang in a bush til the end of the day. For a start you dont get the smell of blood on ya hands and then a likely nip of the stinkers and I dont like to do hot rabbits cos the blood hasnt 'set' If shooting for the pot similar procedure except I wouldnt leg em unless it got busy! I also always soak rabbit in salt water it does help remove uric acid etc. As for removing from the bone what a load of shite!! If out lamping at night for numbers then its into a purpose
  14. good job i only shoot living things then as i might miss all those targets without a good lube Spot on mate for shooting in the field at 35yds how tight a groups do you need! Oh and dont forget the 6-16 x 60 scope (min) cos after all we cant see that well at 35yds either!!!
  15. Have given up now but it used to be. 3 Ferrets (in a carry box) Bag of around nets. Spade Locator and collars Flask of coffee. Knife. And a hedging hook. Seems most of you dont have to clear any holes!!!
  16. Do ya a deal on mine mate I dont need it so its going cheap! Mrs just f**ked off after 28 years!
  17. I had heard from a very reliable source that the BNP, as such, dont exist anymore!!!
  18. Fella who owns a bike shop nr me has R15 YCO on his Ranger Rover R1 SYCO
  19. Sure there is some logic or reason behind the heavy barrel theory. Cant say I notice the change in accuracy in the American, when rabbit shooting its often quite a few rounds rapid if there is a lot about! Some may say the heavy barrel on the Varmint makes for a 'steadier' gun.
  20. Found this on you tube. Thought I would give it a go! Very easy to make and quite loud! May need fine tuning but as its easy to make not a problem. I recon its just a case of hole sizes to change the pitch Next time we are out with the 223 will give it a go!! http://youtu.be/TEz7XK2htE8
  21. Use one in 17HMR cracking rifle. Got a £10 trigger kit from Rimfire Magic very easy quick change and crisps it up no end!!
  22. With the air rifle very seldom go over 6X most things you shoot using air are under 40yds no need for high mag HMR around 9X 223 have been known to crank to 12X on occasions to get a good view
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