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Everything posted by bullet

  1. Not too sure but if the bloke was flying his owl everyday for an hour or two this means the owl would be on the same block for the remaining 22-23 hours in a day, surely the owl would develop foot problems before too long?I never free loft my bird when flying it, when ive flown for the day my bird goes on its high perch, with a bath next to it, at night I put it away on a bow till next morning, the only time its free lofted is when my season is over, are you saying this is wrong? the only time a bird will develop foot problems is by using the wrong perching material or perch, I hate seeing fal
  2. Not too sure but if the bloke was flying his owl everyday for an hour or two this means the owl would be on the same block for the remaining 22-23 hours in a day, surely the owl would develop foot problems before too long? I never free loft my bird when flying it, when ive flown for the day my bird goes on its high perch, with a bath next to it, at night I put it away on a bow till next morning, the only time its free lofted is when my season is over, are you saying this is wrong? the only time a bird will develop foot problems is by using the wrong perching material or perch, I hate seeing
  3. or joining the facebook falconry related groups, but sorry im not from oxford, the falconry section is aalways quite during the moulting period, just pulled my bird out but wont be flying till next month atb bullet
  4. if he fles it everyday then I cant see why he hasn't got it on a block, would be much safer for the bird and its feathers, but like already been said, if it can stretch its wings in any direction and not touch the sides then I guess theres nothing can be done even though I wouldn't like to see any bop in a bird cage
  5. regards to the screaming bit, I had it with my male in his first year only due to the fact I was working away from home so I had to take him with me(nights out in a truck!) after his first year he's been silent, my female came to me as an older bird, silent in the field, just breeding time which is natural chupping her head off at times, but just would love to try a PR for a change
  6. Im thinking of getting a PR female gos next year, thanks for your reply
  7. having never flown a PR, how do you find them compared to an imprint? been touring on the idea of having a PR next, be intresting to hear your views
  8. some mix going on there, I couldn't fly more than one at any given time, I wouldn't be able to give 100% to each, hence my reason for atleast 3 months with each, my target goal is a hare with my female, maybe i'll put her away asoon as she does that, but im not going after them till she's had a few bunnies again first
  9. I take it this VM has had problems before or he's just got himself one?
  10. and facebook your not hiding behind a false name lol
  11. bought a mk3 a few months ago now, it was shooting fine, then I got the one shot then bleep, battery low, so connected the charger but nothing in the safety mode, turn it off the safe mode I got the beep and flashing light, but after a while I got a faint fast beeps, battery not charging, so got my self a new battery from daystate thinking the old one was dud, gun shooting fine then the one shot beep, battery low, so on charge but the same happened again, read all through the internet, I get the impression my main board is faulty,£200-£300 to replace, so I adapted the battey so I can charge it
  12. as the the title says, who's flying what this season? new bird or older bird, any new comers to the falconry? tell us im going to pull my female gos out when the kids go back school, do a few months with her and pull my male out around backend of November to have him going in December atb folks
  13. you'd thought that collar around your neck would of satisfied him but sadly not, you've just got a stalker gaz So it seems mate. I expected him to show up at Peover today. I did keep my eyes peeled for a 15 year old with a keyboard but didn't see anyone. Lol. don't think buses run from derby part of Liverpool to peover,
  14. you'd thought that collar around your neck would of satisfied him but sadly not, you've just got a stalker gaz
  15. try the introducing your self part first, pretty sure its that, but your not missing much, most has gone to facebook clubs now
  16. bullet

    2015/16 Season

    cant wait but like you its going to be September for me, waiting for the kids go back school then pull the female goshawk out, bring her down steady and have her going by October hopefully, then pull the male goshawk out around December and do a couple of months with him that's the plan anyway, good luck for this coming season folks
  17. not joined it and wont join it, why? because new members have to do the lantra course at the stupid silly prices when old members don't have to, plus I have friends in the club who would 100% vouch for me, so for that reason.....im out but I have been looking at the Cheshire hawking club and the welsh hawking club, see what happens
  18. Gaz, I know where you walk yours dogs, and there is really no where you can go flat out so I know its just a leisurely stroll for them, them pictures are the area where me and king dug a fox one day just before you get to the pool in the picture, it just the time of the month for a few, king make sure my hot chocolate is sweet
  19. the switch of owner can shut an imprint up, how many owners has this bird had? just the one, fine...but a few, watch out!
  20. I take it this bird is no youngster, should be over the screaming habits, my male screamed his first year, silent there after
  21. the hardest thing you will come across is the weight management, understand this and your almost there, i find that's the only thing you can control no matter how much help you have, people have killed birds by not getting this right,
  22. most will be down now for the summer, you'll get the odd one still at it
  23. no worries, if your ever stuck give me a shout
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