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Everything posted by bullet

  1. you could allways try the skunk scent from target sports of bolton, a squirt of that through his letter box will deffenatly evict him all by himself, cracking stuff mate must a be kid on block who'd do it for a fiver
  2. i was in the same situation once, i had a colli/saluki/grey dog that howled when bitches came on heat, he did it for two+weeks, not just my bitch but one of the doors down the road had them too, so the house behind me did everything, first rspca came out,couldnt do anything as the dog was well looked after, next was the worse, the council, they sent a noise inspector out , but as the dog did it at night they had to get the house behind me to moniter it for them, then i had a letter saying that if the problem wasnt sorted in 7 days they would fine me £2000 so i had no choice but to let th
  3. you on about the irish comedy, ive heard loads of names for it, man with out a dog, one man and a dog just to name a few, i have it, but its out on loan, could sort you one though
  4. anyone going the staffs hunt show 29th july, terrier and lurcher classes, starts showing at 1.30pm
  5. i bet she's saying "can i ride yours and you ride mine"
  6. i wouldnt say she's an old ferret mate at 4, my oldest one now is near 6, dry food for the summer months is best if you cant get in to change any decaying meat,it attracts flies! as for normal household milk use ive used in the past as at 9pm on a sunday you'd be lucky to find this pet milk at hand, and its had no affect, best to be sorted by a vet as soon as you notice any problems with your ferret in 17 years of ferreting ive lost two ferrets, one to phumonia, and the other through last years heat wave good luck with her mate
  7. i dare say it cost you a hell of a price too (unless through NHS ),are you sure you've still got two kidney's?
  8. when there's been wars, earthquakes,hurricanes and floods in other countries we've always been the one to help them out now we have floods, where are the other countries to offer their help and support? the only one's who are doing us proud here are our" british red cross" why the do we go running to help them out? i know it not our choice but the goverments , its about time this country woke up to the way it is and do something about it
  9. ive had my ferts out since the kits have gone to their new homes, they preformed well, make sure they have access to plenty of fluid stuff,ie water or milk, as the weather is still warm and the ferrets cant controll their body tempature, make sure your carry box has good ventilation,i have a hole in the side of mine so i can attach a drinking bottle when need be
  10. seen them go at £45 on e-bay, i should of bought ten copies
  11. thanks mate, i'll toast to that, same to whippet too, happy birthday,legsl drinking now eh?
  12. had these two the other night, still as happy as can be who needs 100 bunnies? this was only to show a pup the game, could of had more,but whats the point?each to their own i guess what ever rocks your boat
  13. sod that,ive just seen a croc swim past my bedroom window
  14. if the dog retreives the bunny back to hand, surely people at the comp should of seen this, yes ive lost bunnies out of my game bag before now, i dont rate any dog that can catch bunnies and just kills and drops them a big hare or fox,yeah maybe, but not bunnies, should'nt be in a comp if it cant retreive, surely there should of been a ref from the club to witness it?............he could of had two dead bunnies in the bag before the comp who knows one thing for sure, i dont mind get togethers but i'll never do clubs!
  15. get your self upto swinnerton heath farm, have a word with the keeper called gary, sited between ecclesal and hanford, near hanchurch wood, i know the last under keeper there was a tosspot, he was shooting rats with his rimfire( towards the farm on concrete) god knows where the bullets ended up the area is run by gary on behalf of lord staffordshire hope this helps
  16. what i have noticed, might just be me but if i ledgered a dead bait i get good sized pike, if i live or dead bait with a float ive had more jacks, my biggest pike so far was 16 half lb useing lamprey
  17. lamping dog, 10 a night would do
  18. bullet


    look on the bright side, you still have the pc and a good excuess for drinking plenty of ale on a serious note, hope you dont get washed out mate, must be awfull to lose everything even if your covered by insurence
  19. in 17 years of ferreting ive had to dig 6ft a few time
  20. i'll have to let you know when im next ferreting down there,what you in to?
  21. called in a game supplies yesterday to get their number, they have on the shelf a 8ft ferret collar and locator brand new at £100, i know it sounds alot but i know one on ebay went for £120 second hand you can contact them on CHESHIRE GAME SUPPLIES, SANDFORD, NEAR WHITCHCHURCH ON (01948)840799 they have a good stock of traps,lamps,calls etc, clothings too anyone who is after replacement leather collar for their ferts these stock them to with out the locator attatched to it
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