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Everything posted by bullet

  1. i'd say black bird or thrush as they are in conifers:thumbs:
  2. the last time i used a fox trap, set it for a week useing rabbit, no joy so i used a trout and had one by the morning, this was set on allottment
  3. the twisted look bars could be down to either that its not focusing on them as they are small or it the pixels, not sure though, nice boxes mate
  4. a know its bad shit but if a horse or cow rubs it arse/back on it will stop then from damage'ing the wire that holds them in, and yes ive had injured dogs through barbed wire, seconldy its the owners fields to do what the hell they like
  5. bullet


    i wonder if they know the fish get fried in the same fat as the fish?
  6. well your daughter cant be that clever as the fox was mooching around whilst the bullet was still on the floor not in the blokes body gary i think you did a great job there mate, a credit to you, aleast your not sat in on your arse and watching the sad world go by, well done p.s. do you think an anti would let a pike be caught and roasted?
  7. what can we see through the square window no mate, honestly, great set up
  8. bullet


    burried under the runway at manchester isnt he? (i wish)
  9. rocketing rabbit for me too after 3 goes
  10. are you sure its a puppy dog, in your question 2 it getting in the third eye too?
  11. that bitch leggy had off you looks a cracker mate, a credit to you, cant beleive folk were slow on booking up on them bullet( ps im on the same estate as you )
  12. i know my terrier is steady with ferrets but will take out a mink any day,
  13. bullet

    Die crow!

    nice looking bird there mate, you didnt happen to have it off a lad named craig did you from stoke-on-trent?
  14. my mate in manchester lives on the second floor and he has 3 dogs, on saluki x, a terrier and a boxer its up to you if you can be arsed to walk them often or have a stinky house, i sugguest a beddy x whippet mate, bags of fun. and look scary in the dark
  15. f*****g Brilliant.. Tried it earlier mate and the Old twat came out wearing one too in high heels. He shit the life out of me!! He was mad keen for it and kept Implying he wanted me! I just told him he can't have me as I'm taken and went in the house :kiss:... Cheers Jasper i think thats the bit millet failed to tell you, he should know, he just after people to follow suit so he's not alone
  16. bullet


    heard today there are folk out there trying to get youtube banned, mainly teachers as kids are putting their teachers on youtube, plus there is other stuff which is out of order, they reackon its not being run properly, whats your views?
  17. i'll do it for you if we can come to some agreement on you know what
  18. just from the bottle? age's, from the fluid, wouldnt like to guess! get in a seringe and fire away!
  19. you can get it from here http://www.targetsports.co.uk/ but be warned its worse than any smell ive ever come across ever! do not open indoors as it lingers for ages after!(just from the bottle) i thinks its about £3-£4 a bottle, i kept mine at the bottom of the garden inside two glass jars and a buttie box! just reminds me, it must still be there as ive moved house since poor bugger who finds that the stuff is on the market to attract foxes,
  20. nice one moley, bet you wish you could of recorded the arspca asking about a gun well done matey
  21. i used to make mine 2x2x4 with a slide down door that worked off a pressure plate, still caught them now problem
  22. chuck a few rats over, he just might come running around needing your help, keep two hidden and make out you caught them, he'll probs leave you alone
  23. there is always that option i guess :aikido:
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