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Everything posted by bullet

  1. bullet

    khan v earl

    he had to let him win, or he'd be raceist!
  2. bullet


    no im using plume spay
  3. bullet


    now ya got bird hav a bath ya birds got 2 try and make you have 1 atleast i can get in my bath :wankerzo4: hope you get better soon matey who's the daddy? BITCH! you crafty twat r we on for saturday looks like it just me you hawks ferrets dont forget bring your box and collar :drag: faggy ps did ya tell every 1 wat ya male dun 2 ya face :black eye: :tongue4: i arnt ashamed to say that last week my bird clipped my face resulting a wee little scratch but then again you know the bird and its temperment so i need a medal for taking him of you like you said horris,"if
  4. bullet


    now ya got bird hav a bath ya birds got 2 try and make you have 1 atleast i can get in my bath :wankerzo4: hope you get better soon matey who's the daddy? BITCH!
  5. bullet

    on sky tonight

    :sick: :sick: :sick: a-up sick note how r ya i did get up for work, couldnt help my arse and guts gave way before i left!
  6. bullet


    now ya got bird hav a bath ya birds got 2 try and make you have 1 atleast i can get in my bath :wankerzo4:
  7. bullet

    on sky tonight

    for those who have sky watch 528 nat geo wild 11pm, built for the kill is on birds of prey, just watched if from 4pm and what a watch,
  8. bullet


    just thought i'd share this video as a few peeps have asked about bird baths, here you go horris, proof he will take a bath
  9. bullet


    what times it on and what channel and what day? its gonna be a close one
  10. if you ferreting for your hawk why bother with nets? get a ferret, ferret carrying box, locator and collar, shovel and off you go, you dont even need a knife to gut your rabbits, dont forget you have to carry this lot so try to keep to as light as you can
  11. bullet


    at a guess i bet out hawking puts it in his eyes to make himself look hard i wouldnt dare use it just incase i got it stuck in my throat and give myself a stiff neck
  12. bullet

    Got wrong again!

    you could always dress up as a fox
  13. number removed as i have the bird now and too many sick idiots might use his number! hope you understand so bird is sold!
  14. if the goverment keeps up there will be a riot no doubt! im suprised its gone this far its about time we stood together and get the fackers to put it right fuel is high as it is, tax is high and m.o.t is high, and the state of the roads is a joke! what do they spend it on? the fackers that keep coming in the country!
  15. av u got anymore pics bitch no mate, its all i managed in between fighting you of me you big ape'in slut!
  16. ive got a hedge trimmer and a chains saw both converted for safety reasons and guess what? they were free! i only rate smokers for where there's a lot of cover and you cant get in to dig or under tree roots, and i must of admit you cant beat the smell of two stroke
  17. you get what you pay for, buy cheap it and it wont last long! secondly its all down to the volts and amps that drain your batts buy a decent one designed for lamping and it will last you hours
  18. just a few pics from yesterday whilst out ferreting for the birds, we managed 6 bunnies in the bag, had some great flights, and most of all we had a great laugh, ps. carl your going rolling down the hill next time! danny with his male, carl with his female and gizzy who needs a hair cut ! my male waiting for a bolt still waiting! just a tester of my video on my camera getting a little better at using my cam whilst holding my bird!
  19. went out again today, had a flight on a duck and moorhen, no catch though, went to another pool, he was baiting off the fist to go at something, couldnt see any thing so i let his go, he flew across to the middle of the pool and smacked in to the water! he managed to lift him self airbourne to the other side, things they do eh!
  20. did you ask carl about when i splapped his face with a bunnie, blood up the side of his face i was on my back nearly, laughing my dick off at him, roll on saturday eh
  21. talk of an anti? how ever he meant it, it still needs to be controlled, the way i see it a fox with three legs will be more desprate to take anything taking more chance's than one with four, you ever read darcy's book? the one that lived in the free range chicken court that had a damaged leg? sport or not sport, they need to be culled here you are "bullet" cant you see the damn ? this does make alot of difference prick! now i was trying not to get agro but you need some ............you imply that Bob is an anti , i have backed Bob up in saying that he is not an anti , you then
  22. talk of an anti? how ever he meant it, it still needs to be controlled, the way i see it a fox with three legs will be more desprate to take anything taking more chance's than one with four, you ever read darcy's book? the one that lived in the free range chicken court that had a damaged leg? sport or not sport, they need to be culled here you are "bullet" cant you see the damn ? this does make alot of difference prick!
  23. did you ask carl about when i splapped his face with a bunnie, blood up the side of his face
  24. i did today, its a suprise what you can get even if your not after it! but either way im happy with me bird
  25. nothing to do with my dog's better than yours , the only reason i posted on this thread in the first place was because "bullet" called "bob superdog" an "anti" ........so lets get a couple of things straight here number 1 bob superdog is NOT an anti ..... number 2 i don't care who's dog is better than who's and finally number 3 my dogs do what i expect of them and that's all that matters to me ..................... to get back too the original question , yes the rspca do dump town fox's in the country ...... i have spoken with farmers that have seen a fox come right up to the landrover
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