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Everything posted by bullet

  1. great stuff there tony, pics are good for a camera phone
  2. i never fly mine if its too windy mate, the bird either cant fly good against the wind or can over shoot with the wind behind it, i think fitness comes into up to a point, i guess its your own discrestion(excuess the spelling! )
  3. well done arnie shes looking good , and horris:hmm: get a grip mate if you carnt stand the heat stay out the kitchen hang on a minute wag, everyone has their own way of dealing with things, but come on everyone, we are here as one, its not im the best or im better than you so lets cut out the bitchyness hey,both sides that is too, ive aways had a passion for b.o.p. and aways thought the people that fly them were better socialy than the ones with dogs,guns and ferts, but beginning to see different!
  4. bullet


    the kids on my estate use them in their eyes to make them look hard!
  5. bullet


    i do agree though that there should be a vote every month/year who should be mods or kept as a mod/s,
  6. bullet


    6x6x4? what shape is it? unless your on about the height? horris has let me have his 6x4 shed so looks like i'll be making another area for a bird
  7. get down the scrap yard and cut some seatbelts and fill your pockets
  8. im going with what horris has said as the bird needs to trust you, i had a female redtail years ago, it took a long time to get her to feed off the fist, my mentor at the time said she wont starve her self to death, but manning is the way forward, if you give it a chick a day then for what reason will it want to know you, its getting a chic every day isnt it with out seeing you! one is better than none the bird thinks belive me im no expert but you come and man my male if you think you have probs, but i can handle him
  9. bullet

    youre job

    ash motor driver, i used to be up and down the country doing general haulage, now i do this im home every day and the latest i finish is 4pm but most of the time im done for two, fridays about 11-12, great hours, hols are great and :secret: full sick pay
  10. my view mate is a bloke trying to get his bird back, not just any bird but his, the one he trained and had a good bond with,nothing else could be said really like he says the motor is just material the bird is his life
  11. i hope to get a fhh this year to fly in the next season
  12. bullet

    top bloke

    pmsl cuz i prefer the day time thats why you.ve been three times now and want me to go again, ive now put my bird away so sorry mate, no can do if thats wat ya think see how many times i go next season none but still-yer shit stinks :sick:
  13. bullet


    smart set up there mate, you should be ok with that, whats it gonna house? your steps look a little out of line
  14. bullet


    smart set up there mate, you should be ok with that, whats it gonna house?
  15. bullet

    car radio

    ring fords up with your vin plate number and they'll tell you your code,only if its the stereo to the car
  16. bullet

    top bloke

    pmsl cuz i prefer the day time thats why you.ve been three times now and want me to go again, ive now put my bird away so sorry mate, no can do
  17. now i can defo smell bullshit!
  18. do the o.a.p get discount?
  19. bullet

    lamping again

    lastnight me and horris went lamping with our hawks, we got there and there was little wind, the first bunnie we got in the lamp horris slipped his bird on it and close it was, we moved to another field where horris slipped his bird again and this time it was closer! just missing, i got one on the lamp squatting for my male, up it got and off my bird went, the bunnie just made it to the edge next thing we know thunder and lightning was going on above us!, so we lamped a few fields on the way back, we got on a an old railway line and a full hail storm hit us hard! we stood there with our back
  20. vest for me, sold my bag as i hated it!
  21. bullet

    top bloke

    funny, i dont remember putting this post up,do we have a hacker? even though i'd agree with out your help i wouldnt of got back into falconry as easy as i have since last time but still who got you started lamping your bird now horris
  22. bullet

    top bloke

    i just want to say thanks to horris as he is the best bloke i no he will do anything 4 any 1 and he as showned how 2 go on id probably be in a mess with out his help so a big thank you mate
  23. she caught three again the other night he went, doing well
  24. there was a thread on here a good while ago with pics of a fox bolting and hitting the long/stop net dont know who it was by now cant think sorry maybe some one will know
  25. we've never had any damaged meat doing it this way mate
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