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Everything posted by bullet

  1. i think its a great idea, if i was still running dogs then i would be intrested,but your right by saying "sorting the talkers from the walkers"
  2. bullet

    what flying?

    did a bit of lamping last year and it was great, going to be lamping more this season as my new job wont allow me many daylight hours in the week,
  3. bullet


    mine is nearly there two,three more deck feathers to grow full lenght
  4. bullet

    what flying?

    just intrested in see what people will be flying this coming season,are starting a new bird off or flying the same one from last season? flying one bird or more? so come on folks lets spill the beans
  5. cheers billie boy for that brew today, in a fewmonths time they'll be chewing their words, nice pup that mate and we both know how good the stock is that its out of, so chin up and let the pup do some growing
  6. game on! its judgement time,
  7. do squirrels out number rabbits up your way or something?
  8. bullet


    paddy goes for a job at the blacksmith, the smithy asks him if he's any good at shoe'ing horse's, paddy say's "well i once told a donky f*ckoff"!
  9. funny this, brings me back to a lad who got into lurchers and lamping though hares were females and rabbits were males!
  10. you can train a harris with a lure, you never know your luck might change and get some land to hunt on, i got more now i fly birds, even the ones i got refused when i ran dogs let me on now, they seem to love bop's just a thought as the weight control is a lot tighter on a kestral than a harris
  11. asuming you'll have some one to show you the ropes, first bird to hop for is a harris hawk,most people will tell you this, there are others that will do the job like the gos or redtail but i wouldnt reckonmend these for a beginner
  12. Haven't written the first one yet! glad you saw the funny side mate
  13. oh doh, think i may have a few of them somewhere, i just keep them at arms lenght
  14. well what can i say? im speechless! whens you taking orders? 10 out of 10 mate
  15. what weight does it fly at, taken fur and feather?
  16. arnt you due another book?
  17. i just cant get me head around the fact that he's sold the lamp on even though staffy has refunded him! another toss to avoid, staffy there is ways and means to find this scumbag, if you have his real name and the address you sent the lamp/money to someone in retail could do a credit check, do you know a tax man?
  18. here a few snaps of horris's two harris chicks and here's a few snaps of bunny blasters female goshawk roll on next season
  19. i spent enough mate yeah, we were proper made up seeing one of my dogs offspring, looked real good mate, i'll get the pictures up soon
  20. its called rancho texas any one know what type of bird the one that looks like a harris with white deck feathers?
  21. cheers mate, my leg is alot better now it cost 1 euro to use the internet for minutes out there! still it was great to still be intouch
  22. and a few of the cast of the black kites that were flown together
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