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Everything posted by bullet

  1. sorry i know it wouldnt get put on an open forum, hence why i asked for a pm, its ok, ive pm'd a likley sourse 118 118 look at the number of post you done, so near the number you gave
  2. sorry i know it wouldnt get put on an open forum, hence why i asked for a pm, its ok, ive pm'd a likley sourse
  3. god give me strenght! bite'ing the tongue!!!
  4. has anyone got his contact number, if so would you please pm it me, thanks in advance atb bullet
  5. im sorry, since when has daryll been a nice man? he cant even answer a question with out bad wording folk, the unit is a point in the right direction, but not with GB falconry, this unit is for dogs and is made by another company, daryll will not answer your questions if he dont like them, also gets abusive with people if you constanly keep asking, there is a telemetry tester in japan who ordered one from him, he is a well respected tester, but daryll didnt like the idea after he realised he'd sent one to him, see iff if you want the results, im sticking will my more expensive but more reli
  6. there's nothing wrong with the harris hawk mate, ive flown them and defo will have another, some folk out there cant even fly harris hawks without killing them,let alone a gos or spar, do your home work and get a good mentor, atb bullet
  7. not getting a new gos, flying my 2 year old third season imprint male, cheers jasper for the imput on getting him to give seamen, although im getting a spar
  8. nice looking red, can you do some shots of the anklets for me plz? atb bullet
  9. bullet


    i had the same problem mate took me about 4 weeks to get on maybe you could be on a ban,doesnt take much to be a bad lad on there,lol
  10. i'll try laters for ya got to say he's like a tap now, seems to give more in the aftnoon than the morning, two to three good shots aday atb bullet
  11. i see a barn owl hunting not far from where you are, not saying if its the same one but its not far from you, do you go up the quarry 4x4 everylast sunday of the month?
  12. Got to agree there mate! some people get on with them ok but mine are definitely more stimulated with the pad than a clear glove. Once he find a technique that suits him they generaly get into a steady rythum producing in the same area, there's a spot on my pad my old male hit virtually everytime . I'm sure he'll come good in the end Bullet... Jasp well the pad i made he aint getting on with,so yesterday i went back to the clear gloves and he left a sample, twice in one day, took one up my mates to have a look under the microscope and yep their ALIVE thanks for you help jasper,
  13. well he's treading very good, not leaving anything, but as been advised dont expect anything, he may or may not, so i guess its just a case of seeing if he does, made a new pad as i aint keen on the clear gloves
  14. bullet

    my new bird,

    put some lineo under the astro turf, i personly would just use lineo and no astro turf, easier to clean, slabs are worse for blunting talons, i did the same with my first hawk atb bullet
  15. that is one nice looking gos
  16. well im chuffed, no less than 15minutes ago he trood my hand, not left anything but wasnt expecting it till after a couple of goes, not sure if im hitting the spot where i need to touch/feel, any advise thanks for the imput through pm jasper,credit to you atb bullet
  17. He sounds like he's coming in Bullet! all the things you mention is pretty normal of a bird showing condition Had Imprints for AI ands natural pairs a good few years now mate! definitely well before I ever started messing about on Pc's. I spoke to Andy a few months back to tell him I have moved, he's a top genuine lad is Andy and pretty much out of the birds now. stick with the male and go in building a nest with him! all is good with the bonding. he might trash it a few times and then again he might now hardly build much at all but it doesn't matter to much if he is receptive to you a
  18. nice one jasper, i didnt know you had imprints, my male has come along way since my last post, chupping back, under feathers out, toe picking, taking food out me fingers and carrying twiggs to the nest, dont know if the male knows how to build a nest but his looks like a bombs hit it!lol atleast he's trying, well chuffed with him do you still speak with andy from stoke on trent, is he doing anything or did he give them up all together, atb bullet
  19. is this ross? what you doing with stitches this time? he's hot mate, too good to let go if you are, what the law on wild take over where you are? atb bullet
  20. will this be your first spar? No mate, i had a parent reared spar a couple of years ago i got it of a lad who didnt have a clue and it had a bad start,it was real hard work (off its nut) i eventualy got it going,it flew a 7 1/2 oz.Im going to go for a social imprint this time,how about you is this going to be your first spar? it will be my first one, im going for an imprint too, got alot more time on my hands now so i will fly my gos in the morning and fly the spar in the afternoon, cant wait to get it, itching to get the new season underway already,lol who are you getting yours
  21. just wondering how many folk are going through the process of conditioning there gos, male or female, any signs hormones kicking in, nest building etc? ive started to work on my male and im sure the neighbours think ive gone cookoo lol
  22. if your planning on doing it this way you are going have to keep a routeen, same method everyday with no change, ive heard of it with a falcon but not with a gos, good luck
  23. bullet

    my new bird,

    cracking looking harris, wish you all the best, please make sure you fly with telem on even if you just buy a transmitter, loads of folk will be happy to help track it down if ever need to, i started this way, till i could afford a reciever, ive helped to track a few peoples birds, feeling is great even if it aint your bird, plus it helps with experiance, your mentors should help you any way atb bullet
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