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About tango

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    Extreme Hunter

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  • Interests
    lamping,shooting, strongdogs, bit of fishing now and then,mostly lurcher fox work

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  1. quick post to say THE MOURNE CHARITY SHOW wont be held this year due to my own reasons and sheer lack of time. It will return may 2016 back raising money for local charity with last years money weve raised 10,000 since the start so a massive thanks to you all for the support. keep er lit and good hunting. kieran
  2. if anyone has a dog to enter could they please get entries sent in as there needs to be enough time to send out your tickets for entry folks. please make any enquiries through facebook as i dont be on here much.
  3. Fat ferrets dog runs away all the time when it gets bored!!
  4. All heats will be drawn as ive always done and yes the show winner qualifies. If someone has two dogs in one heat they can slip them both or have someone else do it.thanks
  5. On your race work question lv.my dogs work the season and race the summer at the shows for a bit of craic which is what they are ran for thanks for asking.
  6. Thanks folks sean is having his annual complain.i dont mind at all.everyone has an opinion they like to voice. Hope to see you all there
  7. Robert your dog did very well last and fair play to you for bringing it in as it was great to see.
  8. Leeview i can only prove the lurchers in my own pens and am not interested in a silly debate on the name of the race as i have enough to do. The racing and showing will go ahead weither you are there or agree with it.have a good summer yis tango
  9. The ability competition is being run by bri and is being held in the countrysports arena so get your working dogs entered folks
  10. The master mcgrath was set up to find the fastest dog every year plain and simple.so far the competition has been very close fought and i hope this continues. In regards to working lurchers,if more people enter the competition of ability being held at shanes then i will look at more prizes for these classes mysef if its worth doing
  11. Im well aware what a lurcher is lv.this is the reason they are split. At a show no judge can say how the dog acts in the field. There is an obedience competition at shanes for anyone who wants to show what their lurcher can do ref sit stay retrieve or anything else.regarding prizes and money.it wouldnt be much of a show without prizes and theres plenty of them for anyone who wants to enter.
  12. Thats the reason for elite racing and lurcher racing leeview to put racedogs against racedogs. It was the mourne that started elite and lurcher. There will always be complaints and we will do our best to sort it but its impossible to make everyone happy
  13. Testing for what?? Theres nothing to test for a dog qualifies at another event and races on the day to find the fastest.its that simple.all rumors and rubbish you been told bigdogrunning
  14. All ireland judges for 2014 are All ireland lurchers - D Gallagher All ireland terriers - J Gilfillan All ireland whippets - P J Walker
  15. The whippet race will be ran under the same conditions as the clubs mourne show.
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