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Everything posted by limerick999

  1. thank you at least u gave ur opinion with-out insulting me that i dont mind
  2. less of the name calling now kid u understand
  3. he was charged with armed robbery, nobody got hurt and nobody died, he just f****d up, the scum you mentioned are f**k ups and dont deserve to live nevermind hold a fac would you feel the same if it was your house and family him and his mates done i dont think so. if someone can do it once theyll do it again weather 10 years or 50 years have past armed robbie and afamily in their own home is as low as it get. you dont think the kids will remeber theat just like a girl that has been raped. how are people meant to feel safe when theres no place to feel safe. first of all i never said the
  4. iv got a lurcher bitch around 20mths old she cut her stoppers 3 weeks ago and i want to know do anyone have a trainging programme that i can do to get her to full fitness as she wasnt fit before her injury
  5. hi lads i might as well get straight to the point i would love to get a gun licence but i was in trouble many years ago its 15 yrs ago i got caught up wit the wrong crew and 3 of us robbed a house wit a gun i got charged wit armed robberyand got 3yrs in prison im now 36yrs old and never been in trouble since this was a once off thing and i know i was totally wrong but am i entitled to get a gun licence now or will that always effect me(ireland)
  6. i see where some lads here have said surgical spirits hardens dogs pads can anyone tell me how its used on dogs, i mean can u dip the leg into bucket up as far as there stoppers to harden them as well as the pads or would it sting or damage the skin on leg, or what way is it used
  7. anyone know of a good fast acting healing spray for cuts on lurchers that will heal it up fast ,not an antibiotic as i have that
  8. anyone know of a anything thats on the market thats good to stop fairly heavy bleeding on a lurcher
  9. any good things to heal torn stopper pads something that wil heal it fast
  10. anyone know of a good spray for torn stopper pads beside using salty water that helps them heal fast
  11. anyone know of anything i can use to harden up lurcher pads and what way is it used im just starting my dog on road walking and dont want her to get sore pads
  12. your right there a lamping dog wil be more likely to pull up at a ditch during the day
  13. anyone know of how i can get my lurcher to have more staying power stamina for h--- hunting
  14. just wondering is there anyone who does h--- coursing or h--- hunting that i can chat to i do a bit of it myself from n. irl just starting off need a bit of advice
  15. what should a working lurcher be fed on and what type of training should it get to get it fit
  16. iv been hunting my lurcher on h---- now for this type of hunting what should i be feeding her and to keep her in top perform and fit what should i be doing shes about 40-45lbs colliexhound any other tips or advive would be greatfully appreciated ps shes 20mths old
  17. how much should a lurcher be fed and on what kind of food is the best
  18. thanks for your advice mate my dog is 12mths old
  19. iv got a lurcher 12mths old just bought him his very well bread he has been lamped afew times , i bought him for h--- hunting no can any one advise me on how i can do my best for him to hopefully turn out to be a good close dog at a h--- and what should i be feeding him any other tips welcome its not very big open land where i live tony ere
  20. tryed to phone you on that number and its not in use could you check and see if its the correct no please tony here
  21. tryed to phone you on that number and its not in use could you check and see if its the correct no please tony here
  22. lurcher wanted around 12 months or older must be good at h--- munster area ireland willing to travell
  23. hi just seen your dogs on this site i guess you do abit of coursing so im hoping you might be able to help me out, im looking for some advice and tips on how i should be feeding and exercising my lurcher for h--- hunting that way i know ill have done everything right for my dog and i cant blame myself if he dosent turn out to be good enought im just after starting him off his got about 3-4 hunts already i know its early days also the land here isant very big so we have to give short slips cause if not the h--- will be gone through the ditch before he can get into him and his not a slow dog any
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