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About limerick999

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. You Know of anyone interested in a wheaton Xgreyhound 12months old very little done, 0863221858, Co Louth

  2. thank you at least u gave ur opinion with-out insulting me that i dont mind
  3. less of the name calling now kid u understand
  4. he was charged with armed robbery, nobody got hurt and nobody died, he just f****d up, the scum you mentioned are f**k ups and dont deserve to live nevermind hold a fac would you feel the same if it was your house and family him and his mates done i dont think so. if someone can do it once theyll do it again weather 10 years or 50 years have past armed robbie and afamily in their own home is as low as it get. you dont think the kids will remeber theat just like a girl that has been raped. how are people meant to feel safe when theres no place to feel safe. first of all i never said the
  5. iv got a lurcher bitch around 20mths old she cut her stoppers 3 weeks ago and i want to know do anyone have a trainging programme that i can do to get her to full fitness as she wasnt fit before her injury
  6. hi lads i might as well get straight to the point i would love to get a gun licence but i was in trouble many years ago its 15 yrs ago i got caught up wit the wrong crew and 3 of us robbed a house wit a gun i got charged wit armed robberyand got 3yrs in prison im now 36yrs old and never been in trouble since this was a once off thing and i know i was totally wrong but am i entitled to get a gun licence now or will that always effect me(ireland)
  7. i see where some lads here have said surgical spirits hardens dogs pads can anyone tell me how its used on dogs, i mean can u dip the leg into bucket up as far as there stoppers to harden them as well as the pads or would it sting or damage the skin on leg, or what way is it used
  8. anyone know of a good fast acting healing spray for cuts on lurchers that will heal it up fast ,not an antibiotic as i have that
  9. anyone know of a anything thats on the market thats good to stop fairly heavy bleeding on a lurcher
  10. any good things to heal torn stopper pads something that wil heal it fast
  11. anyone know of a good spray for torn stopper pads beside using salty water that helps them heal fast
  12. anyone know of anything i can use to harden up lurcher pads and what way is it used im just starting my dog on road walking and dont want her to get sore pads
  13. your right there a lamping dog wil be more likely to pull up at a ditch during the day
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