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Everything posted by SPAR

  1. SPAR

    Perfect weather

    Would you fly your bird in this, was thinking of giving the Spar a flight
  2. What kill are you most proud of, mine this year must of been when my FHH was waiting to follow on when a partridge got up between me and her with she came down for and ending up doing a double somersault in mid air. and with the Spar was a 200 yard partridge which got up and ended in a 700 yard flight
  3. SPAR

    First bird!

    I personally think you can have a sparrowhawk or a Kestrel for a first bird, BUT... If you want a accipiter for a first bird, you must have a lot of practical experience. Which you can only get by handling birds of prey by another falconers, if you've got the experience you need you can get a sparrowhawk or kestrel without any problems. Birds that can be seen as "first bird" I think there aren't first bird, they're only less difficult birds are more like Harris hawks but then again they can be more trouble than good
  4. At the end of the day gilly-1993 has asked for advise of what bird is best for him. It dont matter what anybody says he will get whatever bird he feels is best for him. As for weekend birds there's no such thing now the hell do you expect to get anywhere flying just weekends its like having a dog and only letting it out the kennel once a week I haven't got time for ****s like that.
  5. they breed like mice, and crap a great deal.
  6. The only best thing I know of for rats is a terrier
  7. SPAR

    Turkey necks

    Does anyone or has anyone fed there birds turkey necks before if so do you think it makes a differents to the birds mandible. I have been told that it helps with coping.
  8. i would do but i dont leave school for another 2 years!!!!!! Its upto you mate but I wouldn't advise getting a small BOP like alot of people have said, you have more to play with in a bigger bird like weight control you will find them less fragile aswell, but at your age and situation I would go for a common buzzard and you will be doing very well if you get one to hunt properly. The other thing to think about is whats going to happen when you leave school are you going to collage ? your not going to get anywhere with a bird if you are only flying 1-2 times a week just my opinion
  9. SPAR

    Nutrition value

    Just shows how crap DOC are for your birds diet. I normal feed my Spar 2 1/2 docs to stay the same weight for the following day. Yesturday she had a sparrow just 1 and that sparrow had a nutritional value of 2 1/2 chicks.
  10. i would do but i dont leave school for another 2 years!!!!!! Its upto you mate but I wouldn't advise getting a small BOP like alot of people have said, you have more to play with in a bigger bird like weight control you will find them less fragile aswell, but at your age and situation I would go for a common buzzard and you will be doing very well if you get one to hunt properly. The other thing to think about is whats going to happen when you leave school are you going to collage ? your not going to get anywhere with a bird if you are only flying 1-2 times a week just my opinion
  11. Get a job at a falconry centre if thats all you want to do or get a common buzzard you will learn alot from one
  12. I will speak to him first to make sure then I will PM you
  13. Were abouts in Norfolk are you from, There's only one person that springs to mind JASPER
  14. Just put my order in for DOCs from Kiezebrink. 3000 docs cost me £79.20 thats 12 boxes with 250 in each box = £6.60 per box of 250 1 box of quail, 40 in a box = £30. thats 77p each
  15. Cheer Jasper just wanted to make sure first. Tin shot is no good as it has the tendency it rust so I have been told by a game dealer once its been frozen So you have not had any problem with sharp steel sitting in the crop
  16. has any one shot game/vermin with tungsten cartridges and feed to there hawk. I know its non toxic but does it upset your hawks by body weight or anyone had any problems with them casting it. The same with steel shot
  17. You havn't got a clue have you old mate . you're the typical case of a man who thinks "He's been there and done it and worn the f*****g T-Shirt" just because you've flown a few Harris's! well I have news for you mate? your posts about Manning and trainning have given the game away big time ! you need to get back to basics, Read a few more Books and then try and put it all into practice. Have you ever sat back and considered that alot of Hawks in the wild don't need to feed everyday? some of the Broadwings can go a good few days before making another Kill includeing Red Crows! now is that b
  18. Absolutely impossible for any bird to lose 5oz in under a week - must have been fed [bANNED TEXT] it was first weighted. If you have really properly flown the birds you say you have you would know this, and would equally know how to train and not starve a hawk. Concentrate on what you are doing and man the bird, do not starve the fecker. Its nothing to do with how the bird is reared, I'm afraid that it is just your own incompetance. Harris's that have been left with parents for a long time are notoriously harder to train. Starving the feckers always causes the sticky foote
  20. Would that be in East Anglia. Im always up for a bit of Live predatory response.
  21. I sent of for a packadge off of them i got it next day tells you all bout what you need. I got a reply back for them the next day
  22. depends on what package they come up with
  23. SPAR


    I keep my Spar in a shed that is 6x4 shed. I dont think it matters 100% as long as the bird is getting worked well and is calm. My harris is in a aviary 5ft x 12ft, 6 ft high.
  24. this is all I could find about them http://www.birdsolutions.co.uk/
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