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Everything posted by SPAR

  1. All I can say is, its strange how some people come on to forums shouting the odds off then out of the blue a person who its directed to becomes a member how soon it is before they go into hiding maybe that person is sitting in front of the computer screen chewing it and unable to see any posts.
  2. SPAR


    Looks good DAZ well done mate
  3. OK Neil I'm pulling out now as you are here to defend yourself. It will be interesting what posts will go up between you and Mr Canning I will be watching closely. Like you said it was 15+ years ago and some people just cant let it go He's" done the crime and done the time" but still want more. I wish you all the best in the future Good Luck SPAR
  4. AND ITS GETTING BORING and no-one is benefiting from it
  5. is that aimed at me Mr Puddle?,i dont know either in person or want too. Regards from an "outside" observer. NO mate wasn't aimed at you
  6. Maybe, so why broadcast it all over the web looks like someone's got a grudge
  7. FOR EXAMPLE who was the Signature witness there is no name? ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS AS POSTED ABOVE ?
  9. MR HUNTER IM 100% behind you forget about this clown Neil
  10. Can you explain this then? I do not wish to gloat over this, however, I am going to! A fellow named Derek Canning was caught by the Northumbria Police (North England) out in his car close by a Peregrine site that contained 2 nestlings. On the front seat, wrapped in a coat, were two baby Peregrines. When asked why, he said that he was taking them out for some fresh air. Not surprisingly, the boys in blue were sceptical. More so when they found that the nest was now two nestlings short of a full brood. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) arranged a search war
  11. RESPOND PERSONALLY, What is there to say about me. Im not an egg thief I have nothing to hide. There is one thing on my mind which I cant work out: Why is a convicted egg thief running the case of people who have been set up? Why would the RSPB want to set people up for no reason, if there is a reason WHAT? And are you using other breeders who have been set up as your guinea pigs to clear your name?
  12. Do you think you was set up in your case in anyway Derek?
  13. SPAR


    There are many ways to speed up a moult with false lighting and things like that. I prefer just to bow the birds in the garden everyday and let nature run its course.
  14. ANYONE? why did Peter Robinson leave the RSPB Because he conspired to pervert the course of justice Puddle as you know. Are you sure you really want to hear more evidence Puddle as you seem to have fallen off the fence if I may say so or to more accurate your true colours are evident, which is your right course. If I may pose a number of questions to Puddle: 1] Why did you not ban me from the Falconry Directory? [i even thought that your were a decent lad, you see even I can be wrong] 2] Why was I banned from the IFF? For telling ‘it how it was’ may be? WHO C
  15. I would never tether a bird down with them. Invaluable tool when hunting at fieldmeets my personal opinion
  16. ANYONE? why did Peter Robinson leave the RSPB
  17. I don't really see the point of who supported you or not you was banned for 1 reason or another and that has nothing to do with this website, this thread isn't really going anywhere apart from me a Derek taking little chunks out off each other. What other INFO have you got about RSPB and DOE setting up falcon breeder's regarding this thread.
  18. By the way I meant to mention not to fly them anywhere near any Cattle/Sheep/Horses. they're well know for taking these when they're a bit keen .... Jasper Is this from experience Jasper
  19. Get stuck in to it mate find someone around your way and go with them books and DVDs are only used as a boarder line get out, get your hands dirty and learn the hard way
  20. Hence the 99% mate As for the IFF you started with your nephews name which was banded then yours which was also banned I cant see how 1 person can ban 2 members for no reason ask yourself this, why does it sound like there are more people against you than with you and why has it taken you so long (early 90's) to get all the info and paper work that you needed?
  21. Be interesting what we done the same and what we done different.
  22. Personally I think Derek has done wrong. He would of been better getting his website sorted out first then putting the link up for it that way he wouldn't of had all the arguing people would of had the choice to look at ALL the info first and judge it for themselves.
  23. I have not had any experience in feeding from a carcase so I can help you there. I have hear of people feed from a carcase but they were flying to the lure not the fist. I haven't had that much experience with imprints as I prefer P/R birds
  24. NONE because Derek has been banned from 99% off them.
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