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Everything posted by SteveieP

  1. I have an XS20 Contrary to ill-informed opinion, it's a reasonable quality copy of the Weihrauch HW95K right down to the Rekord trigger. On this one the Chinese have finally got their quality control sorted. Apparently Weihrauch have been a little neglectful over their international patents, but the Chinese probably wouldn't care anyway. There are minor cosmetic differences e.g no chequering on the stock or crosshead instead of slotted screw-heads on the stock screws The only thing on both guns that's a little suspect in terms of quality are the mainsprings, which are easily replaced. Mo
  2. Nice Targa. Must be a bugger to cock Not just the 310mm barrel with the silencer missing is it? Or is it shorter than that?
  3. A mate has got the Cometa 400 Fenix & is v. happy with it. Personally, I would have gone for the 400S, which is silenced carbine version. Walnut stock. Spanish made, but that's not a worry (look at who owns BSA these days!) Quite a long gun hence my suggestion that the silenced carbine is the better choice Good value for money for the spec' Now wait for the other posters who will variously tell you:- 1) Any springer not made by Weihrauch or BSA is crap or 2) You're better off with a 2nd hand Air Arms PCP set up IMO if you want a new spring gun & money is an issue, then i
  4. Not saying that the ARE a Gamo, just that there is a more than passing resemblence to the CFX. Other than which, lack of knowledge on my part precludes further comment
  5. Never heard of them before, but a quick shufti round on t'interweb leaves one feeling there is more than a passing resemblance to a Gamo CFX Links to a couple of sites below, you might want to compare the pictures. If the links don't work with a click, just copy & paste the URL into your browser http://www.midlandguncompany.co.uk/product...amp;product=102 http://www.airshooter.co.uk/acatalog/Gamo2.html
  6. Either choice is good & should come within your budget including some reasonable scopes etc. You could do a lot worse than go to your gunsmith & pick them up & see which feels right for you. The newer 95K's have had the barrel length reduced to 310mm (I think) & come with the silencer already fitted, so you're getting 2 broadly comparable rifles, with the 95K being a bit more expensive but (IMO) worth it. It's then down to personal choice, with my preference being the 95K, but you'll get followers for both camps. Get the best scopes you can afford, but given the budget, hav
  7. Naaaw, it's a hamster! And judging by the absence of a pellet hole, you bloody missed anyway.
  8. retailing at £950.00, if you get bored with it, chuck it in my direction, I'll find it a good home
  9. Exotic multi coloured squirrel None round here mind (cos I shot all the f-ckers LOL)
  10. Great news, now just get out there & enjoy it!
  11. I'd probably set up a marker like a bamboo garden cane with a piece of rag attached Nice visible marker for the farmer to show you're on the plot & cheap as chips to replace, not to mention that plod is less likely to walk off with it.
  12. Give over, it was only a light breeze, but then I was smokin' a fag & reading the Beano as well.
  13. There you go. I knew we wuz all kicking towards the same set of goalposts. LOL Ive got both the XS20 & XS36-2. The 20 is the breakbarrel modeled on the HW95k & the quality is really quite good. Picked it up from local online retailer who was unloading stock 2 days before the VCR bill came in. LOL Well I thought for £ quid (for the bare gun) it was worth a punt. It also copies the Rekord trigger, which works quite nicely The 36 is a heavyish underlever, not quite such good quality, but worth the £75 quid (new) I paid for it, as a project gun. Gives more than a passing wink to
  14. I think the legislation is more likely to be the Sale of Goods Act 1979 as amended by the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002. Goods need to be of "satisfactory quality" i.e. fit for purpose & must comply with any description applied to them The phrase "merchantable quality" has gone out the window because anything can be "merchantable" e.g a car that's only fit for scrap is merchantable, if only to a scrap dealer. "Satisfactory quality" also bares connotations in relation to the price paid e.g if you paid £500.00 for a Ford Fiesta you might expect it to be less tha
  15. As I understand it the XS19 comes in at smidge over 11fpe & the XS20 at about 11.7fpe. Unfortunately, in the past, Chinese guns have been prone to quality control issues that may naturally affect power & / or accuracy. The warning is given, because the last thing anyone wants to see is wounded quarry limping off to die in pain because you didn't get a clean kill (due to lack of accuracy or lack of power) Moreover you need to hone your skills by punching a lot of paper before you even think about pointing it at something with fur or feathers. The words of caution really mean; make s
  16. That's what it's all about matey... all brothers (& sisters) under the skin.
  17. I have the XS20 which is really just a (good) copy of the HW95K Not much use to you, but I got a silencer from Euroguns at Doncaster for £30 Trouble is, a silencer now has to be bought on a face to face transaction (when buying new) You'll need a push-on type & check the outside barrel diameter (probably 16mm) Silencers do make a downrange difference on a springer, tho you have your ear close to the noise made by the action, so it's not so noticeable to the shooter. There are gunshops in Blackpool & Bolton who'll sort you out. There's a dead woodie, who expired not 10 mins ago w
  18. Steve66 They're both Chinese. Gun snobs hang me now! The bottom one is a copy of the HW95K & you will find it tough to distinguish from the genuine article (a photo of which is on the post above yours incidentally .) Heck, they even copy the rekord trigger! The quality is surprisingly good & I replaced the barrel weight with a silencer & the performance is easily up there. The main distinguishing feature is the price tag or lack of it. The underlever has a nice sliding stainless breach but the spring let it down on the internals, so I mended it with a Titan XS & a bespoke s
  19. Not preaching at you mate but there's no surprise that if you leave a piece of damp iron lying around, it goes rusty. Use something like a dishcloth type of rag soaked in engine oil & polish it hard with that. Don't leave your kit wet / dirty, wipe over the metal parts with the oily rag, then you're good to go for the next time
  20. According to the blurb on the BAR website, Weihrauch reduced the length of the barrel in response to customer demand. I presume the idea is to shorten the barrel, but still keep the balance by adding back some of the weight with the silencer. The Weihrauch silencer is one of the best around. The long & short (pardon the pun) is you've got the most recent version of a modern classic Did you ever consider just shooting the damn thing & see if it feels good?
  21. The risk assessment is required under Regulation 3 of the Management of Health & Safety at Work regulations 1999 & in particular Reg' 3 (1) ( the risk to persons not in your employment (& in your case this will include the public at large.) Sounds like you need a bit of a cross betwean a method statement & a risk assesment or probably both. Gotta show there's method in your madness & that the public aren't at risk. Normally, I'd take me lawyer head off at this point, but they make me keep it on when I'm at work...like now. LOL
  22. If it started life as a .22 & you put a .177 barrel on it , IMO it's likely to be less near the legal limit than before. But, like the man said, chrony it to be on the safe side & then you can confirm my opinion or tell me I'm wrong
  23. You decide what you think they are. he he Both have terminated a number of rats & squirrels with extreme prejudice
  24. Maybe it takes one to know one. LOL
  25. A meteor weighs about 2.7 Kg, the 99s (& the 95K for that matter) weigh 3.2 Kg Be glad it's not a 97k at 4.2 Kg The fact that it feels heavier than a Meteor is because it is......that & you are now old & weak. LOL
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