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Everything posted by woz

  1. Iv got a suluki.whip.grey pup he's 10 month old but showing some promise for next season.....I'm going to have a litter of malinios x greyhound in the summer...I'll be keeping a pup out of that litter and a few people that will put the quary infront of the dogs will be getting one.....iv planned this for the last 2 years I needed to prove the Mali bitch before I went ahead which I have now done......
  2. And im sure you will have opened a few folks eyes. Surely all traditional lurchers and a great many bull cross will do all that and more aswell? And its also apparent that some folk seem to believe that bull crosses are purely fox catchers, not the case in my experience, to call them 1 trick ponies is pure breed blindness. Speaking to a friend that had a handy bull x bitch..I asked why would you want a dog with most of its teeth missing and covered in scares?? He said he likes em because they seem to heal up quicker and seem to recover from injury faster than other x's.......
  3. All depends what you are looking for in a dog brains or brawn, There's a dog by me ..typical youngs lads dog...never been got fit..just straight out of its pen into the truck and run on anything and everything...the dogs 6 now and still a machine..the dog was worked 5 or 6 nights a week....I never seen a dog like it...there's a few respected lads on hear that have seen claud in action..he's a collie x with no bull blood in him at all...
  4. I use lowa's they also called haix same boot but seem to do less money on eBay.....
  5. Iv lived on farms most of my life and still live in the middle of know were.....theres some tough dogs about Look why don't we just agree to disagree rather than falling out everyday in different posts........atb woz
  6. how did you come up with these facts.................?You've tried to pull me up on a few posts recently so I was going to say if you need to ask it just shows what experience you have?? Ok an answer to you question.. 22 lr has killed more foxs than any other calibre because its the most popular.99% of fac folders own one and there normally first to hand...... Collies.....again most farms have them.generally the farm dogs arnt penned up so have far more opportunity to kill fox's......a good farm collie will kill most things given a chance...hope this answers your question i only use sho
  7. Have a look back through the posts a few weeks...some very nice looking cross's
  8. how did you come up with these facts.................? You've tried to pull me up on a few posts recently so I was going to say if you need to ask it just shows what experience you have?? Ok an answer to you question.. 22 lr has killed more foxs than any other calibre because its the most popular.99% of fac folders own one and there normally first to hand...... Collies.....again most farms have them.generally the farm dogs arnt penned up so have far more opportunity to kill fox's......a good farm collie will kill most things given a chance...hope this answers your question
  9. It's all a sticky situation really.....nobody iv heard of has lost there ticket for shooting without there mentor present......I shot rifles for many years....been successful in competition shooting and put many thousand shots in the field......iv moved house and for personal reasons I sold up....its been twelve months with FAC and I'd like rifles again.....iv been told I will have to start again abd won't be able to have an open ticket.......
  10. Calibre of rifle that's killed the most foxs......22lr Dog that's killed the most foxs. .farm collie. We used to manage before bull x Nike trainers and joggin bottoms..lol
  11. There's plenty of old farm collies that kill fox and they ain't got any greyhound in them.....the biggest problem with collie greys is that there started far to early and jack on the bigger stuff ......
  12. Half cross malinios x greyhound both dogs working and proven.....if your not fussed on breeding these dogs won't be for you........
  13. Nice photos mate...which canal is it??
  14. What nuitrents are there??? Any big bud for chillies?? Lol
  15. go peddle your crap on preloved Are you being a nob or is your comment justified???
  16. If you don't like em and want your own back...put a formal complaint in...they will try fob you off with a liason officer but insist on a formal complaint...you will have to be interviewed by a cop with a rank of inspector or above and they will have to interview all the cops involved with the letter you receaved...it ties them up for weeks in man hours and every time you have been nicked...go for victimisation....it will remove the flag off your car and make them very reluctant to pull you as the paper work takes up most of there shift....play them at there own game...feck being told you can'
  17. Training my Mali to do a vehicle search before she gets into the van...there's a track round the van now.... Having other people's cast offs thinking I could do something with them...... Listening to fecking idiots..... Thinking I could train a dog when I knew feck all... Not reward training..... Giving the bite as a reward for bark and hold.... Teaching all my dogs food refusal..I'm a slave to them now... Iv spent the last 5 Years training ppd's and realised the industry is run by bottom feeding low life scum bags..... The more iv learned shows I knew feck all and I'm still learning
  18. In rural Shropshire there's 4 police on duty for a feck off large area..covering some decent sized towns so they really can't be arsed with a lamp in a field.....feel really sorry for you guys with anti poaching squads and helicopters that can be called at a moments notice.......
  19. Congratulatios buddy.......my kids are the best thing that has ever happened to me.......my girls were driving the ground at a young age while I shot......there grown up now n more interested in goin to the bloody pub.......
  20. Great rifle....nice and accurate...feckin hated the mag....sold it n bought a daystate ph6......
  21. If you want to gamble and ruin the dog keep running it.....BE PATIENT A STOP WORKING HIM.....I know your dog isn't....but when we train malios if it does something three times its a learnt behavior..........iv made many mistakes training dogs and impatients was my worst trait.......
  22. Yes......stand chance of loosing ya vehicle..liecence...dog destroyed and jail if ya lamping big stuff..could be a myth but that's what I'm told....... I use a black Nissan 4x4 and say I'm strong stuff lol...
  23. BRIAN....of coarse.....you obviously ain't in the know are ya.... Feck it I'll let you into the UK n Ireland top secret....... YouTube.........coarsing with Brian.
  24. Bad luck...least its near the end of the season anyway...were I live I open my door and I'm 10 yards away from a wood....have to be really careful with fox's and other stuff..... Hope you dog comes right soon....
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