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Everything posted by woz

  1. LOL, Seems like you do the same as i do, IE: check the dog, feed,water then out into a clean warm kennel, so it looks like you do agree, but if not it don't mater, we all have our own ways, good luck my old dog always lived outside...he still does the odd nights lamping..the mrs takes him to work with her so he keeps fit and stops him stiffening up to much..he has earned his place indoors and has a bed in the lounge and one in the kitchen so he gets to sleep were he wants......he's grey and grumpy just like me
  2. on return from a nights lamping my dog is "looked after"/feed + watered, then i get my cuppa, then come on here! mate... he asked for opinions, ""This is mine"", and a good one at that !! keep your knickers on darling,know ones saying your not a good dog man..we all respect your opinions.i just dont agree with them
  3. If you get an "out side" dog you can bring it in to the house if you wish, then put it back out when you need to !! (the dog will not mind) But if you have a "house dog" it will not settle to easy if left out side when you wish, also after a hard night lamping in the rain you hardly want/need a bid old dog snoozing on your chairs, (unless it catches 3/3, then it can stay at the bottom of the bed,)lol keep a dog out side, make sure its dry and free from draught," your dog will most likely prefer it than being stuck in the house with the heating on any way," good luck with your new lur
  4. woz


    get yourself up the auctions.....the horse world is packed with shite...bull calfs are mostly shite aswell.. i feel that there isnt many lurcher type pups in the right hands that wont become good pot fillers on the lamp...the biggest problem is novice's and idiots buying pups not training them and reading all the bullshit about lads getting 100 rabbits a night then sacking the dog because its shite and blaming the breeder...look at what dog won the lamping comp....it was some unknown rescue dog..for all the snobbery, super star breeder's and pre madoners that breed shite but because they have
  5. if this thread hadnt been put up by dog lost i wouldnt of beleved it to be true.......ffs it aint hard to rehome a dog......i hope the feckers get banned for life for keeping dogs..sick feckers
  6. honardy case lube...you only need a bit on your fingers i prefer it to rolling 8 cases on a pad at one time...
  7. gen 3 star light monocular...£1500 ish...just like seeing green daylight.......anything else isnt worth messing with for your job mate..save the cash and get somthing that really works...i wouldnt ever go back to anything else
  8. you abosute feckin inbread idiot......why dont you start on jews,blacks,niggers and muslims..im from travelling stock,i have no criminal record..my tax bill is probably more than earn in a year..oh and yes the ground i have parked on when i travelled i owned..as for thieving,how about you look at gorgers for theiving,drug abuse,std's and the moral decline of society..i agree there is good and bad in all..before you go shouting your ill informed mouth off have a look at crime per head of population and i think you will find its the house dwelling scum that take the prize......wild boy your a pr
  9. Have you ever looked through a Leupold VX-III or a Schmidt & Bender? If not, try one. Then, find someone who has one and try it again, this time in low light or on the lamp. You won't need any further argument! But if you do... adjustments adjust properly. The scopes are better made and better finished. Mainly though, they actually do what they are meant to do, which is why they're worth the money!! i would of thought if you get a milk bottle and stick it on the end of an s&b scope then look through it it would still be clearer than any cheapy bsa scope ....s&am
  10. i had this conversation with a well established traveller family only last week.....p***y comes from the term turn pike or road toll.were travellers would stop and sell either tin work or pegs etc etc.........finney said and i quote.." call me what the feck you like but dont call me a gypo again ya twat".....i come from a old circus family so i am exepted by most in these circles....except mr arrowsmith who dosnt much care for me..its probably a personel thing though ..this man started the collie x trend with good old hancock....
  11. i tried a s&b 6x42 on my hmr after taking it off my 223.......bloody thing was worse than useless on the hmr...didnt have a hope at 150 yard head shots......exellent scope on a 22lr were it is now
  12. 22lr for rabbits....quite and cheap to run..you will need a degree of skill to use one well..... 223 good fox round for 250 yards.... really these two calibre's are what everyone starts with and generaly sticks too......
  13. the mans still as mad as mad mcmad.......
  14. 3x12-44 mtc viper......great ambush scope...can be a right pain in the arse on the lamp...bad choice for me really...i sold my s&b to fund a workshop project......maybe a mamba would of been better choice........
  15. woz


    just bought two troopers in.........load liner swb van £30 shropshire
  16. how do you know im pro hunting?? i could be an anti.....i would of thought you will get a majority of pro hunting comments on a forum like this......why not post it on the alf forum and see what opinions you get..............
  17. get on the phone and have a good ring round...they are out there.........the rifle and price iv quoted was off a dealer with no trade discount......im not saying they are easy to find at that price but they are out there
  18. thats not really an argument is it?? any bad fitting gun wont work as well as one that does fit..............so what if youve got a cheap shotty that does fit or an expensive one that dosnt??? again back to my point......a piece of tube with a bit wood at one end.....snobbery aside.if they fit they all shoot the same....
  19. a friend has just bought a 14" cz 452 22lr with trigger kit for £130...................cheap enough really i thought
  20. semi auto's arent liked in the clay world.......but saying that shot guns are just a bit of tube with some wood at one end...i wouldnt blow alot of money on one they are all as accurate as another......think years ago they were called blunded busts....
  21. steady on hear!!! if all fat arsed horsey women were banned my mrs wouldnt have anything to do and would be mythering me all day lmao mate has she seen this post are you mad??? mrs woz is in wales visiting the mother inlaw.........by the time she returns this thread will be done and dusted and resined to the history of thl..... ..........unless she use's her moms pc and my user name and password..if so im in the sh*t
  22. steady on hear!!! if all fat arsed horsey women were banned my mrs wouldnt have anything to do and would be mythering me all day
  23. i dont see what there is to vote for?? the poster showed some men and a rather plump women riding horse's in silly red coats...personally they could ride them in the nude for all i care....i suppose it could be classed as brutal for that poor horse carrying all that weight of the women....yes ban them...poor horse
  24. i recon its a great poster..if i could get a copy i would have it framed and put on my study wall......if these people are stopped from having freedom of speech when will we??......for every way of life,belief and opinion there will always be an opposite view....the end to hunting will come because we hunters fighting and falling out.....
  25. 36g varget.....50g vmax....cci br2 primers.......
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