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Everything posted by woz

  1. its a real shame if you have been had over.....it dosnt happen very often on hear as far as im aware...im sure the person has a good explanation as to whats gone wrong and will be more than willing to put the job right..
  2. woz


    hey up doga ya p***y...have you robbed jasons and nicked his scope while he's away
  3. woz

    New Truck

    if your 1987 d reg landrover is on its last legs now after 22 years this should tell you somthing about landrovers in general..yes they are perhaps a little more expensive to start with but you arnt going to see some piece of jap crew cab shite lasting anywere near 20 years..have a drive of the jap stuff before you buy..they are cheap plasticy horrible things.after all they are all a copy of landrover anyway.......also...alot of farmers have the support british farmers sticker in the window of there jap 4x4's...you should support british vehicles
  4. female harris hawk for sale, 4 yrs old hunts day or night..works very well on lamp.takes fur and feather.was flown every day before moult...she is just about finished her moult and is nearly ready to go...fly's at 2lb......she is a one man hawk and is fine without any bad habbits..will work with dogs and ferrets..feckin massive change in my life is forcing a very sad sale.......hawk,mews,carry box,bow perch,glove,food,hood everything you need to keep and work her £375..no messers or idiots..if you cant handle or look after her she aint going home with you...PM'S ONLY PLEASE AS I DONT WANT A T
  5. woz

    old grumpy bollox is back....mmmmmmmmm

  6. Can only afford short stays at the clinic well you better get back to your witty cutting nasty old self then....the wind ups are going down hill fast on hear
  7. good luck mate hope all goes well
  8. As someone else has already pointed out, these devices are being misused on a regular and open basis. As far as being a 'useful tool' is concerned, for what? As someone who has worked in pest control and wildlife management all of my life, I see no benefit in blowing up empty mole runs. The law (Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981) is very clear on this. You may not use explosive devices to kill animals. These devices are clearly being marketed as a vermin control method in the UK which is misleading. I set up the petition because I am fed up with our wildlife being indescriminatel
  9. thats just terrible............if you could let me know which shopping centre it is i'll make sure i give it a wide birth..
  10. would be nice to see all the bows on there way up on the back of transits because there all to lazy to drive the horse's.....last time we were there there was two driven and the rest were trucked in.......fighting in the evening should be ok this time round
  11. the old lada's wernt availible with a derv engine so sorry to say they loved the juice......
  12. lada cossack,now your talking i put a 16v astra engine and manta gear box in mine years ago,set of big tyres the bloody thing was unstopable...i bloody loved it...coils all round,independant front suspention,good heater,diff lock..no drafts..i never really understood why they didnt have a massive following..........the transfer box even took the hammer..
  13. im going to disagree there mate.......if there going to go they can do it at any time but its rare........we havnt changed many on disco's.......now td5 90's..they are a joy to change..the last one i did i lost my temper and stamped all over the new pump .....
  14. Woz, i hope your sly dig about some hunters using the " family car" wasnt a dig at me? at least when i get stuck the mrs gets out and pushes is the sun making everyone nasty??? when i put most have to use a family car i wasnt thinking of you at all mate....not having a dig at anyone i love you all just the same ........the point i was trying to make was...youve got to be bloody fortunate to be in the position were you can have a perpose built hunting vehicle...that was all i was saying nothing more nothing less....now can we all kiss and make up please because its going to be inb
  15. I would have to congratulate you on your little hareem of gimpets that jumped to your defence. You have them well trained. now now,theres no need to be like that...............you should think your self lucky to have a truck persificly for hunting most have to make do with the family run about..... at the end of the day landrover are the best truck on the market thats why theres so many about.......how many suburu 4x4 pick ups are left after there little moment in the 90's???.....................you should buy british anyway.....
  16. out of all the hunting i do,seeing my dogs run is the best.....i love lamping......looks like your getting somthing right......i take my kids out hunting and i recon it brings you alot closer to them.....keep the post's coming cheers woz
  17. mmmmmmmmmmm...... yes mate your probably right,,,you missed out unreliable...thats why i specialised in landrover well my friend it seems i have presented my best work for the debate of this fine forum now surely its only fare that you show me your fine hunting vehicle so perhaps i can learn from your presentation..........i wait with baited breath your response...... :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: My Gay BMX. In Pink £500 for the Motor and £200 for the tyres. Horses for courses....................and all that if i were you mate i'
  18. mmmmmmmmmmm...... yes mate your probably right,,,you missed out unreliable...thats why i specialised in landrover well my friend it seems i have presented my best work for the debate of this fine forum now surely its only fare that you show me your fine hunting vehicle so perhaps i can learn from your presentation..........i wait with baited breath your response...... :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: hey woz great job mate it looks the dogs bollocks ignore that post the usual idiot with nothing constructive to say so has a little jealouse rant he probably has a bmx m
  19. mmmmmmmmmmm...... yes mate your probably right,,,you missed out unreliable...thats why i specialised in landrover well my friend it seems i have presented my best work for the debate of this fine forum now surely its only fare that you show me your fine hunting vehicle so perhaps i can learn from your presentation..........i wait with baited breath your response...... :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4:
  20. woz


    i shoot,run lurchers,fly hawks and net,if i put a post up and say there netted there netted.i dont tell lies...this was one of my first few endevers at long netting and my catch of two rabbits gave me the same satifaction as shooting 100+ rabbits on the lamp............ as for the blood....i have little feeling in my hands so if i hit somthing its generally with some force as i want it dead straight away and that is whats happened hear..so if the photo has caused any offense......
  21. hear's one a friend made for me......he used two smal pins to hold the leather to the fork then wrapped with cotton or tape hope this helps
  22. woz


    chat room??? or maybe a mobile phone???
  23. what do you mean mate??? i thought THE only colour they came in was epsom green iv got to say its my favourite landy colour....i said to my mrs i couldnt do a colour change on her landy as the paint wouldnt stick to it unless it was green when we doing the clio van mate iv already said mate,get it ready and we will have it in and painted...let me know when your ready
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