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Everything posted by duck

  1. i agree silly thing to do but i know the guns wern't loaded, but still didn't think
  2. soz lads photos to large so heres another
  3. well lads here's the pictures i promised you's, went out this evening with my young lad and brother, nephew, on our permission. my lads first time head shot excellent, it was only a young one but a kill is what the farmer wants to see, then about half an hour later he got carried away and shot another (head shot) 30 yds, well pleased with him, in all we shot 5 rabbits few of them young ones which i hate to do but the farmer said he wants rid of all wabbits big or little heres the photos enjoy
  4. cheers lads for all info any more would be greatful, i'll buy a young ferret from someone who has working ferrets thanks once again i'll let you all know how it goes the duck
  5. wanting to strat up ferreting just a few questions whats the best age to start training them? whats the difference between polecats and silver backs? i've done ferreting before when i was a young has much changed, any info will do lads cheers the DUCK
  6. hopefully mate like i said haven't been on yet going up on night this week will let you all know what it's like will take some photos watch this space Good on you duck well lads just come back from my new permission got 8 rabbits soz no photos forgot my cam. the framer said he was over run with with them pesky wabbits and when we got down there he wasn't wrong, the feild just lifted (he took me down on his quad) only had a couple of hours there and i was buzzing. next time i promise to take me cam
  7. hopefully mate like i said haven't been on yet going up on night this week will let you all know what it's like will take some photos watch this space
  8. nice work mate well worth getting wet for keep it up duck
  9. just thought i'd share my new permission with you all haven't been shooting on it yet and i can't wait, i was driving past and thought i'd call and see the farmer he was ok with me shooting, after i told him i had insurance he even wants me to ferret the land aswell so took these photos from road side as i had kids in just goes to show that if you have insurance you have a chance of getting the permission
  10. well done nice shot keep it up mate
  11. duck


    hello and welcome, this is a good forum and you will get the advice you're looking for, i will say the same as coney carbine
  12. duck


    1 word hideous itl be like holding a pieceof cardbord up why did you buy it? i bought it for my son's first gun as i thought i'd get new back stock i got it cheap, it's also light enough for him to carry when out on the feild hunting but i'll still be in pocket when i get a stock for it, i've been told for a back stock it will cost about £60, it will look better with the stock you think lol
  13. duck


    cheers mate i'll try that thanks THE DUCK
  14. duck


    it's not that bad at shooting, but it is uncomfortable to shoot, the lad said he wanted to make it lighter, but these guns are to me one of the lightest guns on the market so why did he do it ??????
  15. soz lads i didn't mean to make it go this far i honestly think my gun must be over 12ft/lbs so like deker said dead and burried no need for all this s***, i just wanted to share my shoot with you all like everyone on this forum so come on lads stop this NOW, at the end of the day the rabbit is dead luck
  16. duck


    I bought this s200 from an idot, who in the right mind would do this to one of the best guns on the market, there's nothing else i can say about it just have a look i tell me want you all think i would also like to know where i can get a stock for it
  17. good groupning mate, what do you think of them fn19 raptors as i've got one and i think there great and one of the best guns i've used upto date
  18. no mate i'm long leg at 6'4" it could be possible that the gun is over 12ft.lbs i don't know but what ever anyone says i shot thabbit at 70 yds YES long legged
  19. Well duck,that is either a brave or stupid post, or maybe both. Because you have not said otherwise I assume you are talking about sub 12ft/lb. In which case you should not be taking a shot at anything 70 yards away. But you did, and you got lucky. Out of interest how high did you have to aim to pull of this amazing feat. yes i think it was luck but the thing is i aimed hoping i'd scare it but instead i hit the rabbit in the head i aimed 3 dots higher i knew i would get some posts on this but not like this you had to be there to see it mate
  20. falcons to me are one of the best guns i've tried to date but of course others on this forum will disagree everyone has their own opinion, if you can try before you buy try a falcon fn19 raptor multi shot believe me it's one of the best guns you can try i swear by it, only you can decide it also depends on the pellet you try aswell hope this helps mate
  21. went out this morining with a mate and what a morning the first shot at a rabbit head shot and believe it or not it was from 70 yards if my mate wasn't there i don't think anyone would believe me, i bought my gun a few weeks ago it's a falcon fn19 raptor - using powapells pellets it's the best gun i've had so far and i've had a few will not be changing this one, anyway thought i'd share my shot with you if you have any good shots why not share them, soz lads couldn't send you the pic it's to big
  22. hello and welcome, this is one of the best site for air gunners everyone has got the information you need, coney does give good advice
  23. i'd take the gun back to who he bought it off and ask for his money back LOL
  24. I would recommend a falcon fn19 raptor i think one of the best guns out but other people may think different
  25. great shot, was the the shooter standing or prone ? standing mate i couldn't believe it myself when i picked the rabbit up
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