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Everything posted by Foxtrot

  1. Dogs look really well!!There a credit to ya! Love the little Pat bitch! How old is she?
  2. Cracking Pics, Cracking Dog! Credit to you mate!
  3. Here are some pics of him. If interested give me a shout.
  4. I will have pictures up on here of him either by end of weekend, but if not, definately monday, for those who are interested!! sorry for not posting the pics sooner, but the camera has been playing up!!
  5. 2 year old brown and white beagle dog for sale. Out of working parents. Were selling him because he currently doesnt hunt, and we have some new hounds coming into kennel that do hunt and there is only a certain amount of room in kennel available! His father was a late dog entering at around his 5th season, and he seems to be following in his footsteps. He would make an ideal pet at the moment because he has a great temperament, but im sure give him some time he would make a good hunting hound like his parents. I dont have pictures of him at the moment, but if anybody is interested PM me and i
  6. 2 year old brown and white beagle dog for sale. Out of working parents. Were selling him because he currently doesnt hunt, and we have some new hounds coming into kennel that do hunt and there is only a certain amount of room in kennel available! His father was a late dog entering at around his 5th season, and he seems to be following in his footsteps. He would make an ideal pet at the moment because he has a great temperament, but im sure give him some time he would make a good hunting hound like his parents. I dont have pictures of him at the moment, but if anybody is interested PM me and i
  7. Hi Mate, those pups look in fine fettle and doing well off the bitch!! what age is on them pups?? she might struggle as they get that little bit older and stronger, but atleast shes providing something for those all important initial few weeks!! A bloke I know whos bitch gave birth to a litter of patterdale pups off my dog, lost interest with the pups around the 4 week mark. Anyway he put them onto an old patt bitch that took to them like a duck to water and they did really well off her!! I know it was terrier to terrier but its the same kinda thing!! all the best
  8. I dont give cows milk to any of my dogs as it gives them slight diarhea!! So I decided to read up on cows milk and its affects on dogs. Below is an extract from a website that I thought some of you may be interested in: Few dog owners know that most dogs tend to be lactose intolerant. This means that they lack the enzyme beta lactamase, which allows the digestive system to break down the kind of sugar contained in milk. Dogs that lack this enzyme end up with a lot of undigested sugar in their intestinal tract, which creates a wonderful breeding environment for bacteria. When a lot
  10. By the sounds of it mate she is already working on the rabbits!? Typical Patt wanting to fight with every dog it comes across!! If shes entering holes no problem, then if I was you, id get yourself a bleeper collar and box and a spade and get on the foxes!! That would calm her down a bit and you'd be doing your local farmers a great service!!
  11. I feed my dogs dry food, and have noticed the exact same thing on occassions when get them out in the field!! I believe that it may be something to do with a combination of nerves and adrenalin as they believe that they are going out working!! Have you ever played a sport and before hand, you feel quite sick and have the s**ts?? If the same can happen to humans, why can't it happen to dogs aswell!!?? Maybe completely wrong, but just an idea!!??
  12. To be honest mate I think your not far from the truth...Ive been thinking about this since I joined the site and noticed that there were quite a few dogs being stolen. This is my theory (for what its worth)...I truley believe that the people who nick dogs, have some connection or have had some connection with the person they have stolen off in the past, or have a connection through a third party who knows the person they are going to steal from or have stolen from. If you sit back and think about it for a minute, first of all they must know that the dogs are from a working line (gives a reason
  13. Having been out of the digging scene for a couple of years now (due to one thing and another) im looking to get back into it to bring a new pup ive got along, and looking to buy a new locator kit, and was thinking of purchasing a Deben Mk3 locator. Any views, opinions, experiences (good and bad) would be much appreciated! Is it worth the money?? What are they like to use?? cheers
  14. Just clicked on the Earth Dog Running Dog tab and re-directed to a new page where one of the adverts on the right hand side 'Ads by Google' says "87 % of Patterdale Terriers die too early. Free report reveals why!" I clicked on the link and then sends you to a website called www.secretdogconspiracy.com, it says "Please Do Not Feed Your Patterdale Terrier Anymore Commercial Dog Food Until You Have Watched This Shocking FREE Video Report" Now I think this is a load of bullshit and just a sick scam to probably get people to switch their dog feed to the ones they are selling, or they are scare mo
  15. Alright mate, what town in the valleys you from??...spent 3 and half brilliant years in Glam Uni in Treforest
  16. Out again this weekend....the forecast is dry and slightly warmer. Hopefully this will improve the scent. More pics will be going up!!
  17. Amazing pictures!! All that meat will surely fill the frezzer!!?? Never tried wild pig, but after seeing the good meat that comes off them, i must try and find one for the freezer!!
  18. Any pheasant shoots/estates in the Powys/Shropshire border area need Fox Control in their out of season?? We run a small pack with a decent gun following, and get good results most weekends! Its an ideal pack as disturbance to stock on the land is kept to a minimum (due to the number of hounds). I have pics up on the site if anyones keen to see what the pack looks like. If anyones interested in having this small but highly useful pack provide some control and provide a good day out for the following, then please PM myself. All the best for the Christmas Period
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