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About richowen

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  1. spot on od, hounds doing well for you...
  2. thanks for the support yet again..im sure air ambulance will be gratfull...
  3. sunday 2nd of september near ruthin north wales ll15 2ru, starts 1pm...in aid of air ambulance all enquiries call rich 07917411077
  4. spade peggy magic gem gill beaut gin stella, hears a few..
  5. fair play alimac, i recon you no what your talking about fair play.. i totaly agree..
  6. boys hes no even ma dog but ave got use of him... an your not looking at the best worker by far but for breeding for show an bushing dogs canny complain.,.... waste of time!!!
  7. thanks for the pants aa, in a1 condition very pleased with them.. all the best...
  8. intrested in the pants can you send me your number please
  9. thanks boots, and thank you to everybody that came, very good turn out and made £800 for air ambulance, cheers for all the help and support...rich
  10. starts around 1.. its pritty straight forward to find.. any trouble ring me on 07917411077 and i will try and help, cheers...
  11. no racing sorry.. all the usuall classes, few extra including whippet and bull cross..cheers rich
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