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Everything posted by gm42

  1. with cable snares you are only going to be able to use them once with predators , but they are light and easy to carry and make and very cost effective , i showed trappers out in canada in the 90,s the old scottish fox snaring system that was taught to me 40 years ago by sandy livingston, its ideal for snaring bobcats and lynx , very fast and efficient to set , the canadians who tried it were very impressed by it , and sometimes they caught up to 3 cats with one snare loop before needing replaced , due to a cats hyper make up they were dead so fast , they told me , that there was not even a ma
  2. Hey Steve, I am not even close to being a professional trapper. I am very interested in trapping and have taken a course taught by a professional trapper to learn about trapping. I am starting to know enough at this point to have fun with it. Wilderness survival has been my hobby for a long time and my interest in trapping was an off shoot of that. Thanks, Geoff
  3. Hey Steve, I live just across the bay from you in San Ramon. You don't find too many trappers around here. Geoff
  4. Hey Ditch, Thanks for the reply. I have used cable snares before, but they are one use with raccoons. I have #220 Conibers, but they weigh a lot to haul around. That's why I was interested in reusable posibilities. I figuered if there wer, people around here would know. Geoff
  5. Hey Guys, Are there light weight and reusable snares for trapping raccoons? Thanks, Geoff
  6. Hey Guys, Where can I get pre-made rabbit snares and tealers for snaring Rabbits in he USA? Thanks, Geoff Massa
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