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Everything posted by shoota

  1. 17 yr old now got a 99s when i was 13 and used it well never had 1 problem exelent light accurate gun, just sold and bought an air arms.
  2. yea i have everything tightened i think it is the same the brass valve that i nip onto the pump pipe air might be escap[ing from there because it pumping right end everything but it struggles thats all took it to its and had a look and the metal rod inside the pumpo was bent straightened that back up its a bit bewtter buty still not right think i will send it off to get serviced and re sealed thanks alot
  3. no it is half full and trying to fill it back to the top just got th pump second hand not doing me any favors ha ha i never let the gun go under 10 bar normally shoot 50 shots then re fill it. thanks any way
  4. i have a logun pump i put the valve on it to pump up my air rifle it put it up to the pressure that was in the gun and would not pump up any further can any one send me a photo of the mechanism inside of the pump and how they work or if there is any one that can service this for me send me a pm i will call you. i have no guarantee on the gun as it was bought second hand. thanks alot shoota
  5. Unless your desperate to get a "Harris" i would have a look on American ebay, i got mine from there. i cant remember the make but its every bit as good as my mates Harris except cost less than £30 delivered as opposed to £60 plus. To get the bottla clampyou would probably be best looking in the UK though. Good luck look on ebay there is a man has harris bipods £69.95 buy it now i was going to get 1 from the local gun shop but found thet i was saving 40 £ off rrp
  6. i have an air arms s200 with simmnos 3x9x40 scope silencer a ten sot rotary mag exeent piece o kit should get tat with your budget
  7. i got my first air rifle at 13 yrs old i got a weirauch hw 99s i just traded that in for a air arms my old gun was an exelent gun never had 1 problem with it and was a good light accurate gun you are looking at around £200 for the gun scope bag pellets ect.
  8. just joined hunting life today for a bit of shooting and field sport crack with existing members
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