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About bigbulls

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  1. Are you still after a bitch bud ?
  2. lovely to watch, just sat with a daft grin on my face throughout that! Good stuff
  3. Made the pilgrimage up from Cornwall on Saturday, think that will be the last time I bother!
  4. Iv got the one with the dimmer and cigarette lighter plug on it ( Buffalo River 150 ) , I ordered it a few weeks ago from eBay, £40 delivered with red filter. I ran the pup last week and tried it for the first time, the bulb is utter crap and warms up from Orange like an energy saver so I hope a change of bulb is enough to sort it out. The lamp is nice enough to handle but until I try a tidy bulb in it I can't say if it's any improvement on my Clulite.
  5. I'm sizing up a pair of "Dogo Boa" boots and wondered if any one is using them or has any experience with Chiruca boots generally. Any valid feedback appreciated.
  6. A goth/emo lad walking with his head down staring at the floor on a footpath between two fields, he walked in to me and looked up in fekin horror and screamed as he ran away " SORRRRRYYYYY " ? ? He thought he was the only scary thing out that night !!!
  7. Bit of a long shot but cant hurt to try again. Im trying to find out about a black and white 5/8 bull x cross that I bred a few years ago and if this lad (hawker 1 ) bred from it. He hasn't been active on the site for a good couple of years now but I would have thought that someone from the Preston / Lancs area might know him or how to get hold of him. Any help gratefully received.
  8. bigbulls


    seems like scouse is in the lead so far, I would have to add a strong dislike for their accent as well. I allways thought that if sea gulls could talk then they would have a scouse accent, perched on top of a bin at a sea-side town gobbing off at full volume with neck crained and wings out wide !!
  9. Just wondered if its on this weekend, any of the Kernow contingent got any info on it ?? Proper job my ansomes !!
  10. This was in a BP book wasn't it ??
  11. How did this go again ?? "The owl would win coz it would get its ooks right in to the dog" or words to that effect.
  12. always get the white stuff looks like calomine lotion smells like peroxide, can you not do search on the product youve purchasedthis is the stuff you want http://www.unitedpha...e=search&page=1 The white stuff that your referring too is the dilute form of what I have got that has an emulsifier added to dilute it to its correct %. I have had a good read up now and I know that a 4 to 1 mix is what to aim for, it will not mix with water so an oil can be used or something like hair conditioner is also used. Cheers bud.
  13. Iv ordered and received a bottle of Benzyl B that Im going to use on my lurcher bitch to treat mange. Last time I bought some it was an emulsion that I applied neat and it did the job fantastically, this new bottle is a clear liquid that is 99% pure so I'm guessing it needs diluting before being applied. It came with no literature about the product to refer to so I'm unsure on how much I need to dilute it, also why was the last lot a milky solution and what was it mixed with to make it so?? Any help very gratefully received.
  14. What would be the better place to advertise an ex MOD canvas 90? I don't no if a landy mag is preferable to Auto trader, or is there an online alternative that is more likely to reach the right market. Any input welcome.
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