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Everything posted by Becks

  1. Freinds terrier got out of the pen the other month, got in the horse paddock and chased one of the horses. Took a kick full in the face and knocked its front tooth clean out. Took it to the vets and the vet said that he couldnt have taken it out any cleaner himself. Oh yeah, after being kicked in run onto the lane and got run over! Perfectly fine
  2. now becks you can,t go far wrong with the bed/whippet 1st x heres a few pictures of my little 20in 1st x dog good luck with the missus p.s the winds howling so im going to have a quick walk out with the lamp so hopefully ill have a couple of pictures to show you when i get back. Cheers Mark, looks a nice one that. I'll break it to the girlfreind slowly that were getting one-as I think a complete stranger turning up with a dog on the door step may give the game away, especially as she wants another patt (aslong as its choc brown, for fecks sake!) keep telling her the r
  3. Hello all, been reading the site for a while. Mainly do Terrier work with a young Patterdale that ive got and bought on from a pup, but now interested in a lurcher for bushing and rabbiting - mainly small fields. Just wondered if anyone has any Bedlington x Whippet pictures to get the missus hooked - always easier if shes willing Done the usual trawl on google and yahoo-non to good Cheers lads, all the best
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