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About Pickle

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. Pickle

    t reg car

    what year is a T reg car? CHEERS
  2. in my opinion a lot of its to do with the man behind the dog. But if you had the choice of a mongrelised dog and a dog with a well noane bloodline i would take the well noane bloodline any time. cheers
  3. is that the dog you bred out of tyson (a black dog). do you still own the dog in the pic? is it any good? cheers
  4. how much is a bellman and flint setup?
  5. Which is the best ferret finder the old ones or the new orange one? cheers
  6. Pickle


    He gave ez some cream and ive ran out it was like vaseline. my mate said savlon (i couldnt remember the name) ill try that tomorrow. cheers
  7. Pickle


    Whats the best thing to put on them ive always put vaseline on. Should i put moisteringrising cream? cheers
  8. Nice pics marco keep them coming cheers
  9. Are you tempted to get a saluki cross or u stiking to your bull cross? cheers
  10. what breeding is it tyson? cheers
  11. What happens if you get caught coursing on the fens baz? banned from driving dogs took of u? how big a fine? cheers
  12. nice pup baz. have you got anything out of carson (pups or older dogs)? as thats out of the same litter as indy? cheers
  13. Cheers snoopdog your pup has got great breeding good luck with it. cheers
  14. snoopdog is your pups out of the indy of natural born hare killers. what did indy turn out like? cheers
  15. I was watching a old video fen champions i was wondering what was shaun vickers flint like? it seems a decent dog. is there any good dogs out of it? as when i bought the vid he was at stud. cheers
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