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Everything posted by thebolt

  1. very nice mate, good on ya for takein it on good luck with it
  2. thebolt

    rained off

    iv got a terrier box to stain so i shall be doing that in my shed, but after that rain or snow i will have a wander with the dogs
  3. im 30 this year and still learning but had all kinds of dogs for years
  4. thebolt

    Happy Easter

    well im not like that iwork for my self and got my own business and i have got respect but not for someone who say they should cum over and give my mum a slap
  5. thebolt

    Happy Easter

    i have lost someone very close to me at a young age so i no what its like, and i think saying i cum over and slap someone's mum is talking to some one like shit dont you mate till that was said i was just havin a joke like other's
  6. thebolt

    Happy Easter

    i to was made go to a boxing gim by my father and was made go work at 15 not saying any thing to you mate but cum on this is a hunting site not a church
  7. wow there fecking brill them dave
  8. thebolt

    Happy Easter

    com on over if you like try and slap my mum an she would knock f#ck out of you
  9. here is one of mine he is 16 month old iv done a bit with him but hopeing to do a lot more next season with him
  10. some of my pup what i have now and the last pic is of a dog i had stole about ten year ago
  11. thebolt

    Happy Easter

    hell sounds good to me, as long as there is dogs there and things to chase and kill oh beer and women to look out hell the dog men are cuming
  12. welcome mate hope you enjoy the site
  13. 2 nice one's you got there mate good luck next season with them
  14. thebolt


    we picked them up in a little blue van if thats any help i am keen to get back in touch cos i would like another pup if he got any
  15. thebolt


    i no this is a long shot but im wondering if any one no's a terrier lad from hartfordshire, round bulldock way i think it was me and my brother bought 2 dog choc patt's off him i did have his number but lost it they was in the cmw, and the dogs are now 16 month old, just wanted to get in touch with him to let him no how they are getting on please pm me if can help thanks
  16. cracking dog's mate fair play to ya realy like the patt
  17. well if you need some one to take you out hunting just let me no i will show you how its done bless you, thanks mate xx no prob :blush:
  18. well if you need some one to take you out hunting just let me no i will show you how its done
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