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Everything posted by thebolt

  1. thebolt


    wow man that dos ya head in :wacko:
  2. he could of gone in the cage to try and get his little dog out befor it got hurt
  3. just ordered mine just wat i was lookin for to take with me to glastonbury
  4. im thinkin bout getin one as well but ent there ment to be a new coller cumin out. any one no when it might be
  5. lovely looking dog mate, wish you all the best with it
  6. realy nice dogs you got there
  7. good lookin terrier's you got there buddy
  8. good one mate, nice little dog to
  9. could you not just move them ya self, or cant you tuch them
  10. thebolt

    big girls

    that will be bunny girl in few years barney im sayin nothin
  11. have a look on my profile mate there's some on there
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