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Everything posted by snapper5

  1. Just came back from lamping rabbits on the golf course I shoot on. On the way back about 10.15pm I spotted four very bright eyes coming straight at me through the trees at about 125 yrds. As they got closer I saw the eyes belonged to two large dogs and they're still headed straight for me. Heart's pounding somewhat by this stage as I have visions of being attacked! Gulp. I figure they might have an owner nearby so in the dead quiet I called out and after a few tries someone eventually calls back. I shout asking him to call his dogs back and get them under control but by this stage they're
  2. Just had a new 27" Harris swivel bipod delivered - an early birthday pressie to myself. I already have the 23" cheaper Rockmount versions but having now got the two side by side I would say the Harris is definately worth the little bit extra. The construction looks more robust and all the movements are smoother. Cost me £87.99 inc delivery from Sportsman Gun Centre. I wear glasses when shooting and kept finding myself trying to look through the top of the glasses frame as the 23" bipods were not quite tall enough. Just fitted it and it feels far more comfortable. I find the taller bi
  3. I'd advise you go for a .17hmr instead. My son on his first ticket got the Ruger 10/22 at the same time I got my .17hmr but a week later took it back as he was very disappointed with the accuracy. Off a bipod he was getting a 5 inch spread at 60 yards compared to a 1.5 inch one at 100 yards from the hmr. Luckily the FAO was very understanding and changed his ticket at no extra cost. The CZ452 is a dream. Do let us know what you decide to do.
  4. The unit was effective this evening using the distressed rabbit call as i say. The couple of times I had been out previously for charlie with it was before sunrise and I had read that the mating season was well under whay so tried the Vixen call but to no avail. When I first got it I stuck the speaker outside the window and put the magpie call on. Within five minutes I had two magpies in the apple tree so that call seems to be very effective - not to shoot them of course. I've dicovered the magpie call at full volume is great for getting my teenage son out of his pit too. Far better tha
  5. At last! My new rifle claimed its first fox earlier this evening. Called using the new Callmaster distressed rabbit, it came into 170 yards from completely the wrong direction being directly downwind. I think it caught my scent and started quartering back and forth but not wanting to come closer. But as it quickly discovered, 170 yards was just about perfect for the .223 and one shot later it was down. One down, many more to go.
  6. Bought myself a Callmaster with a couple of fox chips today - thanks for the discount Deako. Will report back with results once I've had a chance to give it a try.
  7. Has anyone had any experience of the digital NV attachments from gbsights (http://www.gbsights.co.uk/digital_al.htm)? On paper it seems an ideal solution and a cheaper alternative. My main concern would be that your eye/head would be pushed back from your normal position.
  8. Don't forget you can get much more for your money by buying from the States with the current strength of the pound. I recently bought a top of range Leupold scope from http://www.theriflescopestore.com/ and saved over £300 compared to what I'd have to pay over here, even after import tax and VAT. It only took a week to get here.
  9. I'm wondering if foxes are telepathic as I have a new .223 rifle to shoot all those foxes I have seen whilst previously out with my 17HMR, and now they are nowhere to be seen! How do they know that I'm now more of danger to them than I was before? I've got myself a wam call but have had no success on the first few outings at different times of day/night. I have read that at this time of year they are more inerested in each other than coming to a call but I have read reports on here that others are having more success. Any tips? Callmaster fox call?
  10. I've never considered 43 as old before!
  11. Hi - Joined a while back and finally getting around to say Hi. I'm 43 and got into shooting a few years ago after rabbits made a meal of my purple sprouting plants the day I planted them out. Bought myself a Webley Raider just to shoot in the garden and paddock, but now have shooting rights on two farms and a golf course using a Air Arms S410E, CZ 452 American 17 HMR and a CZ527 .223 where I shoot pests and foxes. This sport is highly addictive! Look forward to learning more from the other members on this forum.
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