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Everything posted by Squirrel_Basher

  1. @Greyman Getting bored of this now but if you want a meet let me know Paul . Same as the cat threads .You make all the right noises but the engines running on fumes getting nowhere .
  2. Lol.Your better than that mate .Smoking is bad for your health .Second hand smoke even more so .Anyone wanting to smoke can do so freely anywhere out doors .It’s not a conspiracy it’s just common sense .
  3. Lol They might of locked you down bud but I loved it .24/7 out in an empty countryside . All you conspiracy nerds are allowing the man to get in your heads .Its funny as f**k tbh .
  4. Lol Stop smoking and then sit with everyone else mate .Don’t be a victim .
  5. Where’s the likes Paul . Its just you and me .Your hiding behind your keyboard trying your best to look hard .What you want is here ,wanting to meet you anywhere you like . Whos fatty Paul lol.You’ve been fed some shite havnt you ,mint .
  6. Lol.Like I said Paul ,I know most of them and I’ll pop in when I have another deer for them .I’ll be sure to show them your posts though .You can’t receive pms Paul fancy that lol. So you’ll blindside me lol .Wont meet for a man’s toe to toe but you’ll sneak up to my door and do what lol.Says a lot about a man that won’t face his fears head on but will try a sneaky trick when a lads off guard . Pm me and arrange a meet to get this sorted . Maybe I’ll pop down the marina one evening lol.
  7. He’s got to meet me first mate .He’s the laughing stock of the thl lol.Longest running almost off liner in the history of the thl ,lol. It’s really easy lol.Arrange a meet and sort it lol .But no , he think he’s the hardman giving it the big bollocks on an internet site lol.Hiding behind a keyboard .The real fight is here Paul if you want it . Silly old git thinks it’s funny . If he took the time to find out my name then searched it he won’t be in such a hurry for sure but there tis lol.
  8. What’s funny turnip .You can’t receive pms so it’s now going to f**k up another thread .Send me your number if you have one and we will arrange a meet . Your stupid grin says it all though dosnt it .Liar ,fake and a coward .Can’t wait to tell you to your stupid turnip face . Anywhere any time Paul .You want it it’s here waiting .Your a fake though ain’t ya .
  9. @Greyman If you really want to sort this man to man then meet me anywhere of your choosing .Just you and me .Come to my house and it changes everything . Just say when and where ,you and me .
  10. And this post has probably f****d you up for good you stupid turnip My house is way beyond the site you silly turnip ,lol. Ill pop in and ask if you went there as I know them all Paul . No sheltered life here and you’ll find that out should you ever knock my door . Please turn up turnip lol. Alternatively you could meet me anywhere of your choosing .Your mouth has f****d you good and proper lol.
  11. Got to the feeder at 0430 but didn’t see a squig until 7 .From then till 0930 ish it was non stop .Finished on 16 ,picked one up that a thought I’d missed .It went a few trees before falling out of view .
  12. Helped a mate out yesterday with a bit of machine work around his lake or pond as I call it .It’s developed a leek through a land drain into the stream that feeds it .Few decent bream and perch seen in the shallows when I got there . Took some of the clay from the outfall end and built a battered bank over a few Gabon baskets he put in .Hopefully he lets it dry out before opening the sluice to fill it .
  13. Lol you just can’t let it lie can you turnip . If you were serious about finding me you’d of done so long time ago ,I’m really not hard to find ,so we can only imagine your scared shitless lol.Quivering like a shitting dog . Notton Paul .Last house on the right heading towards Corsham on the Melksham ,Corsham road . Do you want a postcode ffs ,lol. Not still miffed about the cat thread are we ,lol. What do you expect ,promise the world deliver nothing ,lol.They’ll write that on your headstone ,that and a packet of turnip seeds .
  14. Wrath of who or what mate ,I just don’t see it . Your reading too deeply into dynamics mate .The world changes yes but we don’t have to . I’ll say it again mate ,if you read all the drivel posted in the media and let it sink in you become part of that problem .Go searching for anything and your woes are quadrupled . If they want to f**k up my life they will have to knock on my door and say so cos everything ticking along nicely .More work now than I can be bothered with ,kids doing well and a grandson who’s our world right now . Send the fuckers to me Francie ,I’ll put th
  15. So who’s going to implement all that mate and name me one freedom you’ve lost ,apart from hunting with dogs .
  16. Most lads clip up when bream fishing mate .Most use braid here now .Either the line has to give or the rod tip .Seen it 3 times this season .
  17. If she’s been a lone flyer mate don’t be tempted to fly her with another Harris .Seen a right old pickle last year trying that .
  18. More space to get away from each other rather than this overpopulated shit hole we are creating .
  19. Hopefully she’s 2.5 plus mate .Youll have some fun with her .
  20. They’ve banned whips in a few places especially the commercials here .Fishing for silvers one minute and water skiing with a 20 the next .Most kids just let go of it .
  21. What’s her weight mate .
  22. I’d be tempted by one of the multi tip rods mate .Either a through or top action .Tips interchangeable according to target species .Better to er on bigger side with carp .Seen a few tip rods snap off on the bite with carp of 15 plus ..They never learn on Tockenham lake targeting bream on the method feeder with corn .Sooner or later a carp will take it and wallop,lol.
  23. Not the ones I’ve seen mate .Male red tail -1lb12 maybe .Female Harris 2lb 4 ish . Stats will tell you males can get 2 plus but I’ve not seen one .
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