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kent scotty

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Everything posted by kent scotty

  1. nice and cheap if you run a wire to a belt pack,easy to make with a strong belt and some straps and a sealed battery. scotty
  2. in answer to your actual question! average is £50 -£200 ish? if its just rabbits go with collie grey or somthing with alot of whippt,try get pup at 8wks if pos, dog or bitch is a personnel choice there is good and bad in both. thats if you haven't f##ked off yet. if you have you wouldnt of lasted long and should grow up. scotty
  3. so are people saying it was normal before the ban for people to do fox doubled up? i have only seen this once when a dog broke out by accident and it wasnt nice!! a dog cant kill if something else is holding the fox not letting it shake !! surley if the dog cant do it on its own(pups learning excepted) its not a fox dog and should stick to somthing it can handle? or am i way out here and its accepted? scotty
  4. To be honest there not that far off full speed. Mine uses his nose loads and has got brains. The grayhound of today was a hunting dog and bull was put into it to bulk them up when they became to fine. how are the feet? scotty
  5. how do you all find them? do they have speed but not the injury's of pure grey? ok not the full speed but enough and still have agility? how are the feet? these are the type of bull x i can see the point of(i'm not starting just have no need for the big buggers round here) scotty
  6. try the complete book of greyhounds edited by julia barnes. its got alot of history and a lot of technical stuff about they way there bodys work and how to feed /train them its cracking. also has a lot about the famouse dogs of britain aus and usa. scotty
  7. we use marks and sparks as they hav ethe highest fee's coverage and the best of the rest of all the other covers they are£17 a month.we put them down as cross breeds and the vet put one down as greyhound cross but they paid up the £5000 bill for a busted leg with out blinking a eye.its false economy to get the "cheapest" as some cover virtually f**k all. scotty
  8. ahh ok mate sounds interesting. have heard of someone using a GTREK SKI LOG bluetooth GPS receiver/data logger off ebay on a dog.you cant download the data after they caome back and see how far and how fast they have gone,and it shows up on google earth. scotty
  9. do you mean as in being able to find them or being able to download where they have been ? scotty
  10. deer x grey were amazing at this before the ban. scotty
  11. to the letter of the law they are but i have seen some of them at the 1st cross and wouldnt call them lurchers not what i think of one any way,if they can do the job then i would class them as one. scotty
  12. pmslllllllllllllllllllllllllll should be called the mily bar kidd pmslllllllllllllllllll whats was you doin down brighton the other nite martini with that 17 year old boy in pink hot pants Any one going Badger Baiting in the Midlands this weekend? cant robbing banks and trafficking drugs this week end!! are you for real mate!! read the law books scotty
  13. I live in Kent ,I went to Howletts about 20years ago ,Aspinall had a pack of African Hunting dogs there ,about 35 of them.If they got out there would be some serious damage done!Wouldn't want to lamp one of those boys! tey are still there!! bet they have been checking the fences all day! scotty
  14. be careful what you corner if your near howlets!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/kent/7883629.stm scotty
  15. what you on about hes a great dog got two other dogs and i'd bet any money he is better than any of your dogs :D :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: thats some claim get your money out. scotty
  16. rabbits most fun and you can eat them.the others are ilegal or wouldnt want to eat them scotty you wouldnt eat venison or hare ? course i would but you cant catch them any more and i dont shoot big enough to get deer scotty
  17. rabbits most fun and you can eat them.the others are ilegal or wouldnt want to eat them scotty
  18. landywood here to mate very good prices and decent meat . scotty
  19. try jackie drakefords books she has working and other books,very straight forward(can get a bit hippy with the 1st aid )and sensible. scotty
  20. it only works as it full of rice which bungs them up! give them meat and bone will do the same. scotty
  21. just do it everyday, theres people wank terkeys for a liveing in norfolk mate yeah but hey thats Norfolk for ya!! :D have seen the freezer bag done with a bulldog it worked but you cant leave it to long or it gets cold. scotty
  22. cracking land mate that dogs has great look in his eye!! scotty
  23. think it was english bull( a decent strain that wasnt f****d) should say on here http://www.thebritishalauntsociety.moonfruit.com/ scotty
  24. possible that the others know they are safe and slow and the chosen one runs faster as it knows its the day!!!! scotty
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