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Everything posted by celticnomad

  1. I'm in the Glasgow area (Loch Lomond / Helensburgh) and have access to various areas. I'm looking to form a small non-club type thing...if you're interested I'll keep you informed once the Hogmanay festivities calm down.
  2. Spoken like a true non-voter. I am also a huge cynic but if I don't try to do something about it then I have no right to complain when laws are passed that I feel are unjust. Petition is for: We, the undersigned, petition the Prime Minister to help us protect and support our sport of air gun shooting, by pressing for policing and enforcement of existing, already strict, restrictions and legislation, and to not add further restrictions on their ownership and use by law-abiding people. We believe that further restrictions on our sports and pastimes (such as are being currently discu
  3. http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/NoNewAirgunLaw/ I'm sure it's been up on here already but I thought I'd ressurect the link for those who've not yet signed.
  4. I find it to be quite a pleasant and informative forum. Recently, however, my posts have not been answered at all or it takes a good week or so for someone to read it - are people still using the site?
  5. For interest, I recently completely overhauled my BSA Meteor Mk2 and now get a lovely, crisp 11.8FPE. How did you get on with yours?
  6. hey up deker i think that the forum where you have to have a special (paid for) email account is the airgun forum, you don;t need anything special to join the airgun bbs fora john my hotmail account was ok for that one.
  7. With the absence of Gun Clubs on the West Coast of Scotland I am thinking of starting something up. I live in the Helensburgh / Loch Lomond Area and would like to initiate a gatherin of like-minded individuals in the area. I have access to extensive amounts of property in the area which we would be able to use. I would like to incorporate all aspects of the air rifle scene from all target variants through to hunting. Would there be much interest from this board? Please PM me or leave details on this thread.
  8. Can you tell me the final outcome of your tuning? What power did you manage? I've overhauled mine Mk2 with new seals, O'ring, leahter washers and a Titan XS mainspring. I don't have a Chronograph but SOFTCHRONO is giving me about 12fpe now.
  9. I am new to the air-gun world and my first port of call for information was the internet. I joined up to airgunforum.net and bsaog.co.uk and have found them both extremely useful sites. Very friendly (apart from one idiot on the former) and I've learned a lot.
  10. I am in the Army and living and working in Scotland currently (Helensburgh area). I am new to the hunting scene. I picked up an air rifle (0.22 BSA Meteor Mk2) in France this summer and have been doing it up. I have read all the laws, zeroed my rifle (lovely little Hawke Eclipse 4x32), added new mainspring (titan xs), leather piston head and renewed all washers. I am now ready to go. I am part of two other forums: - airgunforum.net and bsaog.co.uk - I thought I'd join this for a bit more variety. I have yet to kill anything although I am looking to pellet a few grey squirrels
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