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About Mitch

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter

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  1. What i would like to know is how many do these amazing fox dogs miss please
  2. very good looks like my cuppa tea
  3. want to hear about these fallow too pls, speedwise and agility. Also strenght and fighting ability, have a 28' deerhound greyhound what kind of distance will i need to pull them up in, much appreciated
  4. mates have had the odd pig backin down wombat holes
  5. What about size? and breed? What would be the pick. A dog that is agile, and also has abit of brain. And would also be good on the lamp, What would you fellas suggest?
  6. What about if you want to watch something exiting,
  7. That black dogs a friggan beauty
  8. Yes Tomo, Teaching us the art of drinking. I dont know about that,
  9. Dont under estimate the fox, i think he is very clever and not just an ordinary dog can catch one. I have seen them do some pretty intresting stuff to evade the dogs
  10. The only bully greys in aus that i know of a pigdogs. Heavier type of dogs, oh and allgame I would love to see some pics of your dogs aswell. I would also like to see these Bullygreys who throw 100% fox dog pups aswell.
  11. They may work well over here mate, especially why they have the area and room they require. (in my case) Mine needs a fair bit of country to run larger game, but she picks up the rabbits fairly well too. I just reckon your Bully X seem to be pretty good on those foxes is it worth trying something new? or perfecting your existing breeds? they got abit of brain about em aswell
  12. We have this Purple Spray its great, Its actually and antibacterial and fly repelent spray. I used it when my dog ripped his skin on his leg. Works a treat,
  13. Hey big boy Hunter1983, How big do they get over here you ask ? bigger then yours mate
  14. bring your dog over here, Chase all the cats you want. I dislike cats, the way they roam the streets and the way the owners think its fine, then as soon as something like this happens your the worst person in the world. Cats have become a huge problem in Aussie they have taken to the bush they are no good is it the same over there?
  15. Mitch


    Stevmac how would a deerhound or staghound handle one?
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