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Everything posted by poacher2225

  1. i dont think ive got aney but i mite
  2. my brother had his 3 dog's rob'ed he got two of them back from the kennels with ther gut's run out of them and the pup he had of me he has not seen or herd of it and that was boy's he was going out with that was never proven but one of the dog;s was pic up about 3 door's away from ther house and the other one was pic up wher thay use to go coursing so it was them but i told him thay had a name for it and he tough i was playing with him so when he ring me and said his dog's was gon i told him it was them and it was and thes boy's are not the typ you go to the gavers wont even go around to the
  3. :welcomeani: mate what breed is your dog
  4. :welcomeani: mate hope you like the site i try to keep away from keeper's if i can help it :11:
  5. what do you wont it for if you are going to use it out on the field you will be better of giting a cheap one of ebay and i would get a sony cos the battery's last longer i got my one on ebay for 30 pound and i had to get a new battery and it's still working the one i got from a shop was 300 pound and it fu/k'ed up after a year cos if your are using it out in the field thay get wet and dirty and it dont take long to do some damaged to them
  6. thank's mate ther is some sh/ty bit's on them but most of it is good ive got some old one's as well but the is a lot of sh/ty bit's on them i need to edit them and take the bit's what is no good of them i am going start puting all one thing on each film from now on thank's agen mate
  7. ther's only one way take it out and try it and keep going untill it start's catching you be better of this time of the year to get some easy rabbit's for it but thay wont all be easy but you get more easy rabbit's this time of the year
  8. the mom of the bitch in the pic is deerhound colley greyhound and dad was a sulkie greyhound and she do's her job ok day and night she's not the best bitch about but she will do for me
  9. lamping and the day work is hare coursing and ferreting for my dog's
  10. i cant get some think so i can cut a bit out of the dvd's to upload cos ther a 2 and 3 hour film's and ive try'ed to git some think to edit them with but cant find aney think to do film's that big on the pc i got some video edit stuf of ebay and it dont work it nead's to go in the bin i got rob'ed and i think i need to change the format for the edit in thing to work on the pc i am not a pro on the computer
  11. i get the same thing the is lot's out the back thay come from the wood's when i come back from lamping thay run out the dog run
  12. ive only seen him on film ive got about 5 film's with him on and from what ive seen of him he's a porper dog and i would like to have a dog half as good as him on hare you watch all the other coursing film's ther's not meney coursing dog's can box a hare as good as him when he's on them thay are lucky if thay git out of the first field and all the run's he has on film you can see spot on i think if ther's aney coursing dog that's a lagand it's him he look's like he play's with them i would have like'ed to see him run my salf out on the field's
  13. some one told me to put a red light on them at night and the tick's run of them like the heat lamp's you git for dog's dont no how true it is but he say's that work's
  14. you can git some green thing's of the vet for it i use them on my dog's thay about 2 pound for two of them ther's a big one and a little one do's the job
  15. dont piss in the wind
  16. is that wick near alton in hampshire
  17. nice pup mate good luck with it
  18. that's a shame mate she look'ed a nice bitch ive got my two bitch's thay are 100/ percent with all live stock but the sulkie im not sure about i have not had him long and he pull's when i go through a sheep field so i dont run him in them yet i just my old bitch's in the sheep field's but i will have to try him out some time do you think he will have a go at them or what or shall i keep him on the lead for abit longer untill he dont pull for them no more
  19. nice pup ther it look's like it jump's well and clean your garden up that saw ha's gone rusty :11:
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