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Everything posted by poacher2225

  1. that's a shame your not in the uk i would of had that
  2. im putting these racing pigeons on for my dad . there are 29 in total old birds they are janssenvan denbosche delbars janssens breed down from star lofts .his mate has give up and he has brought his pigeons but as to many so these have to go .£15 each plus you arrange collection .ring him on 07500149313 and ask for dave or pm me and i will get him to answer any questions .
  3. i am not far from that way and thers lot's on hear around about that way
  4. i lent mine to my brother and come back with it and said it did not work so i put it to my self and bark'ed like a dog to try it and it put me to the ground
  5. what's one has got the most point's on it i had a 9 pointer about 15 year ago but when i got out of the dog's for abit i lost them some were ive got a couple of set;s on me dog cennel but ive cut them of through the top of the head ther 4 pointer's how do you get the whole head on them like you have just leave them to rot of or what that look's a big dog in the pic what size is it
  6. nice one mate that look's a nice terrier well it's head do
  7. we got the weather you hed last night to night so ive got my lamp on charge ready but i only no 4 or 5 short field's and ther apart form each other so i just hope ther lot's on them and i will have a mouch about to try and find some other's i can fill a long walk comeing just hope it start's raining about 12 to night cos that's the time i will be going
  8. he's got a nice set of antlers for a row
  9. put some old car waste oil on it for two days that will work or get some qualada from the chemist just tell him it's for the dog;s and he will no what it is
  10. Good read mate i like deerhound's but i will have to stick with the deerhound x's for the type of ground i run nice dogs
  11. good luck with the pup mate look forward to seeing some post in the winter
  12. flares and platforms are comeing back in so you will feel young again
  13. nice pic mate i would like to see them falow where i walk nice dogs aswell
  14. i get over the fence first and i dont take all night like some do i no my way around and i keep the lamp on when it's on them thay do a runer or thay stay and some time's when thay stay i no wher thay are going and block ther way home then let the dog run out to them
  15. the sun is out hear mate it's red hot hope it come's over this way later tonight i will have to put my lamp on just in case
  16. nice pic's mate what bred was the dog's he had back then look's like thay had some good sport back in the old days this is the type of post i like to see thank's for leting us have a look mate
  17. yes mate im suprised a school gave you permittion to run your dogs, they are normally the most anty hunting(mine certanly are) ATB PADDY
  18. thank's mate ive got him runing well now but he wont's to run the gut's out of everythink he run's be for he pic's them up i cant wate for first cut's to try him out i think he will do ok roll on winter
  19. hear's some pic of my dogs out on a mouch yesterday and some of my sulkie on the lamp last night he had two rabbit so he's gitting better and it was abit of a job trying to take pic's and lamp at the same time so i left the video camere at home
  20. were do i get that benzo from mate and how much is it cos my lurcher's get lot's of ticks i take 10 to 15 of them each day with them tick remover things and like you said frontline and strong hold are crap
  21. you wont to git a letter of permisson done out mate that's what ive done and if thay come to you show them it and thay wont give you aney sh/t after that haer's mine if it aney good to you Letter of permission (For pest control and legal activities under the Hunting Act 2004) To whom it may concern,As the landowner/Farmer / Manager of land .situated at .. ................................................................................ ................................................... I give ( .............................) permission to hunt rabbits and rats and undertake
  22. how do i look at mine then were do i find it ive just seen it now
  23. how do i look at mine then were do i find it
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