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Everything posted by poacher2225

  1. thanks for the comment's i was giveing them ther morning walk in the wood's were i take them every day and today he just run through the woods and park and out to the road its the first time he has done it and its just bad luck what happened if he went aney other way ther is no roads for miles just woods and i had just got him ready for this year and put a lot of work in to him so i am guted ive only got 1 bitch for this year now and just hope i dont get aney bad luck with her
  2. my pure sulkie got hit by a car this morning and ive just got a call of the vet to say the best thing to do is to put him down so thay have just done it he was only 18 month old and he was just starting to come good and i had high hope's for him for this year so he has gone to the hunting fields in the sky so r.i.p mate hear's some pic of him
  3. 4frrets kits for sale 7 quid each polcat xs thay in liss east hampshire thay not mine thay are a mates hears his number 07593395815 out of working stock 9 weeks old ready now
  4. when thay got yellow spots on ther liver its when thay got mixy comeing
  5. well done just go and get him a dog and when it's ther her in doors cant say much it will be to late
  6. i had a dog have it about 7 year ago he was a black dog and the bottom of him went red i took him up the vet and he sead he was poison and i run him the night before and he was vaccinated he was 14 month old
  7. If you are writting a letter asking for permission i suggest you have a look at your spelling mate.. aney-any nead-need 2-to ther-there berrys-burrow/warren just a thought mate not a dig that's all been check out mate
  8. thanks mate thay will do nicely just what i was looking for
  9. has aney one got aney pic of the damage rabbits can cause what i can put on a leaflet i am making so i can try and get some permisson ive got one of a rabbit on ther and i nead 2 more i can put on the bottom of it i could do with one of a field with rabbit berrys and one of some trees what have been damage by rabbits
  10. nice vid your camera man is getting better if the focus on your camera takes abit of time you can change the settings on it just go in the menu and thay have got lots no ther i put mine on moon and stars but thay got some other ones like sport /field /sky etc but i find the moon and stars one better cos you dont get the blurry ness when the lamp go's on one of them rabbits was flying
  11. <value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xLMErhZ4DI"> <embed hears a old hare coursing vid it's got my old bitch and the first black dog on it was the brother of my old bitch he kicked the bucket when he was 14 month old and the other black what my old bitch gos past was a pure deerhound but i sold it cos it was to slow for this way it had bags of stay but was not fast anough it mite take abit to work cos ive just uploaded it now
  12. she is lame on it when she is on hard ground but she runs about on grass like nothing is wrong but were i go out lamping i have to walk up roads to get from one place to another and she is on 3 legs on the roads
  13. no mate i had a t reg swb van i then sold that 1 and bought a 53 plate lwb van so the t reg van has been gone months the 53 plate van is the 1 that got took and crashed i think hes trying to give you some good advice if you get what he means
  14. its not swollen cos she has been up the vet and he has give me tablets for her she has been going up the vets for 3 month now and all he was giveing me is tablets for it but when i took her up ther yesterday he said that it cant be fix'ed and he cant do aney thing for it cos the nail will grow the same way it is at the min it mite look swollen cos i put her foot in salt water befor i took the pic
  15. that one is working now let me no what yous all think of them and what do you like to see the fox or hare or rabbits
  16. hears one more fox vid it mite take abit to work cos ive just uploaded it and its not processed yet
  17. hears the pics the vet said the cuticle was gone in side the foot and if he pulled it it would grow back the same i hope the pic come out all right
  18. your right there mate people are far to open on these forums posting pics etc less people know the better if no one posted pic and that on hear then the site would only nead a general talk section thats what think aney way
  19. has aney one had a cuticle proplem cos the nail is grown in a point the must be some one from hampshire that as had it with all the flint down this way ther must be away to fix it aney advice welcome
  20. how much mate my mate nead's one for his bullx
  21. i got my sony of ebay 26 quid and that is still going good i like sony cos the batterys are good and last you cant beat the infolithium battery just make sure its a propre one i take my camera out in the rain as well ive made a cover out of a barbercoat hat that works spot on
  22. ive just took my old bitch up the vet again and he has said that she has done her cuticle in that nail and thay cant do aney thing to fix her and i will have to live her like it and just walk her on garss she has been going up ther for the last 3 month now and seen all 3 vet's in ther and i was just wondering if aney one has had the same thing with ther dog and if thay got it fixed and how or if thay are right or not i think the must be some think can be done to fix her
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