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Fast but dim

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About Fast but dim

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. lol, my 1/4 beddy 3/4 whippet was bought for rabbiting, at which she's average, the first time i took her ratting she got 7. i went the day after with a smoker and she got 21. on rats and squirrels she is mustard, fast and a good nose. i've got a photo of her 20ft up a tree after a squirrel, soft as a kitten in the house, but nuts on vermin.
  2. nice dog. good cross, hope the lucas cross calms it down! great to see some one thinking outside the box.
  3. never thought of it like that, very well said. imho the later you leave entering a dog the better, assuming that the year or you're not hunting with it you're training it. never been able to resist the urge to chase rabbits with mine though! lamped my first dog at 4 or 5 mo!!!!! used to bark a bit surprisingly. just go bushing these days, my youngest dog's 12 mo, and ready for entering on the lamp. Saying that i've accidently chased the deer in my local woods the last 3 days!
  4. from the sound of that I'd probably give you a dog! can't believe the number of dog swappers on here.
  5. i've not posted on here for a year: yesterday i took my 3/4 whippet 1/4 beddy out coursing, and noticed how full all the ditches were, and how close the water was to all the rat holes. i went back today with a spade, and had the best laugh i have ever had with my bitch! I've not been ratting for 15 years, having got into lurcherwork, and had forgotten how much fun it is, and how tough rats are. got my first rat after 20 mins, blue, a normally timid bitch, got badly bitten by the rat below the eye, but an hour later we had killed seven in total: i had to put her on her lead to get her
  6. I live in the nw, an area visited by gyppos, and had heard rumours that homosexuality was common amongst young single male gypsies, but laughed it off as a b*llshit tale, seems it ight be true, lol. doesn't surprise me though, there aren't many gyppo girls, and everyone has needs......... :whistle:
  7. "muslims are like wild dogs" you racist fool.
  8. i've always fancied a 3/4 whippet, 1/4 bull, suspect it'd look like a whippet on steroids! anyone got one, or pics of one?
  9. were you in the league of gentlemen?
  10. maple leaf, wasn't michael barrymore married?
  11. rolflmao what a picture.the best i've seen, you should get an award for that one. nice dog, what age /cross?
  12. got for it with barf, cant see a prob with turkey necks, just watch out for farts and vomit at first.
  13. dunno: have you seen the boxer/labs on the aussie pig dog sites?
  14. cant wait to give it a try!!! does it work on bunnies? thaks for the help.
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