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About nelson1

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 30/06/1966

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  1. Hi Mate, Firstly I dont kayak, But I do see plenty people going out in the right weater conditions, Also if you get in touch with your local RNLI and arrange a advice on board training, It's FREE and they even come to you to do it!! YOU will learn more about the safety of your craft, I had mine done last saturday and I still got advice even when i thought i knew every think about small boats safety ha ha, If I was you its a good place too start, Plus you will receive the infomation to go forward mine's below Regards, Ian.
  2. Hi Russ, Dont think it's the common Redpoll, It maybe a lesser Redpoll ? Cheers, Ian.
  3. Am sure it will work out for you, plus I know how good you work your dogs and a added plan B to have in your pocket, Makes a little bit more interesting having a gadget to play with, I'll be keen to read your posts once you got it worked out, Ian.
  4. Hi Russ, Nice photo's mate, have you sorted which tracker your buying ? Regards, Ian.
  5. Hi Russ, Expensive pieces of kit what have seen, You work your well am sure money well spent in the long run http://www.google.co.uk/#q=garmin+dog+tracker&hl=en&tbo=u&source=univ&tbm=shop&sa=X&ei=4MX3ULq9IcjX0QW-oYHwCQ&sqi=2&ved=0CLIBELMY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41018144,d.d2k&fp=9c4d8252c490a7fc&biw=1152&bih=663 Regards Ian.
  6. Not much these days Russ , But I do plán to hit the bass fishing hard this year just Hope my old marks will produce Regards Ian.
  7. only my opinion any lurcher can turn out a all rounder it's about traning,have seen them gun retrieve working with long nets etc etc,it's how much time you put in the dog Regards, Ian.
  8. I do enjoy looking at your photo's mate, she's a nice looking doe a couple of years old with a perfect mark easy to recognise the next time you see her hopefully ? All the best to you and the family Best regards Ian
  9. This is interesting link, may be worth a read. http://www.coastalnets.co.uk/fishing_07.htm
  10. Hi Mate, the net we made is what it is, It done a job for us however we got flaties and weaver's plus once a lobster When you use a net you come under commercial fishing laws so you need to do a bit of reading for license's and what not, am sure other people can help you a little more with mash sizes, hope this helps, regards, Ian.
  11. Hi tyla, We used a home made seine net for sand eels, have a look at this vid link below,
  12. Hi mate, Nice dab and good eating too,and yes it's all about the presentation of a bait I was fishing on river mersey at 06:00 dis-morning caught afew dab's half the size as that well-in
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