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About iddles

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 12/09/1985

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  1. same here but i wish i could have caught it mind you i dont think my dog could retrive that.
  2. cheers snoopy have you ever been lure coursing or owned a machine for doing it! if you have then you would know that it takes 2 mins to set up as apposed to an 1hr walk to catch connies. still for everone who is interested in the machine then PM me and i will write up some instructions and take some detailled shots when i can get my camera working properly like i said before i will post some images on here too.
  3. cheers for all the replies some intersting opinons guys thanks i dont really care what my dogs look like as long as they do the job!
  4. i was thinking about dog crosses when the thought of a geryhound x husky entered my mind i think it would be a good cross any thoughts or has anyone got one!
  5. just being out and seeing the dog do what it was bred for is the best however a good ratting session is alot of fun
  6. my dog loves the water but he will only go in when my 14 year old spaniel goes in first :search: :search: dont know why
  7. hi snoop doggy dog first of all nice to speak to you or with you. we all have your own views and mine is this my dog does take live quarry, i shoot rabbits, i want to start ferrering. So im not frightened to kill anything however with work commitments (i work funny shifts) i cant always take my dog out lamping so i use this just to keep the dog fit and agile. and besides its a good laugh and you can do it without the police bothering you.
  8. does anyone have a diagram or pictures on the inside of a working ferret finder. ive been looking everywhere for a mk1 but to no avial i want to start ferreting but i dont want to start without one as i dont much like digging and think a jcb is a bit noisy really. any help greatly received
  9. ive got a 9 month old lakeland who still goes in the house dont know why ive done the paper but the cage is the next port of call. i think she is just spiteing me whenever she gets disaplined she does it. what am i to do never tell her off.
  10. sorry guys but when i get in i check the big f**ker for cut and get us both a drink. then back out in the kennel with some scran and water .
  11. hi mate ive had exactlly the same problem with my dog always doing it. seems to have hardened up now tho but it bleeds like mad when he does catch it.
  12. hi everyone i bought a BAM air rifle its identical to the smk Bb4 underlever but i keeps breaking the trigger stops working and it wont cock and the trigger is heavy which is why i cant seem to hit a barn door with it anyway thats my knowledge.
  13. hi lurcher lad here is the ingrediants 1 heater motor (ours is off a ford mondeo you can get one on ebay for about a fiver or a scrap yard) 1 fan speed controller switch off the same car ( in the dash) 1 fan speed conroller resistor (located in ducting for heater in passange footwell) 1 peice of 4mm plastic 1 roll of electrcal tape and a switch ( ours is the trigger off an old jigsaw) strong line (ours is nylon) lure ( bit of rag or plastic bag whatever really) like i said i will take some pics later and post them up for all to see!!!!
  14. yeah we have tried plastic bags and we found that the bag tends to go skywards and bounce about. im trying to simulate a running rabbit and my dog and my father in laws dont get fooled by that. unfourtunately!!!!!! we are going to try a combo next plastic bag and small bits of rag to get them to go. the good thing is that where as the mini starter motor idea works well its heavy unlike ours and it runs on a smaller battery easy to move.
  15. hi everyone im new to the site and its top! anyway i built a lure coursing machine for me and my father in law using a heater motor from a mondeo, some old nylon 6oz from net making and an old rag. works a treat apart from in the wet it a bit slow then but my dog cant keep with it in the dry. its variable speed and light weight. i will post some pics and vids soon any info or anybody else built one lets have a look and get some tips of each other.
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