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Everything posted by brigg

  1. hope in the next couple of weeks when every thing is cut. the numbers go up.
  2. mines has been pish so far. only had 4 foxes the two times ive been out.
  3. blah blah blah... do you ever stop talking shite ! you hit the nail on the head there ian.
  4. millet there not bull xs you'r running there culls. get your self a proper bull cross and then you will see what the guy's are on about So in your opinion a dog well drilled in the 'leave it' command is a cull? the right bullx it wouldent matter what command you teach it. if the dogs lached on and kinked up.. do you think if you shout a command drilled in or not it will just let go just like that i dont think so.
  5. millet there not bull xs you'r running there culls. get your self a proper bull cross and then you will see what the guy's are on about
  6. i bet he was so what 1 of use done him. i herd hes walking about like john wane
  7. max genaration 1 st cross.this is going to be his first season.
  8. a half cross will do evary thing better. the only thing a threequarter has got agenst a 1/2 cross is speed. try puting a 3/4 on 8 to 10 foxes a week. and a bet it will jack half way into the season. try putting 1 on a few fallow bucks week in week out and it will jack. and another thing 3/4 have no lung they blow out to quick for ma likeing.
  9. 5oo not going to last long. keep the dog.
  10. heard a few say there some dogs for the fallow.
  11. had one of these wished i had him again in ma kenels. he was a exellent allrounder he done the lot.
  12. this is max ma first x this will be his first season. Looks a nice hound that mate..is he a first x or a second gen? cheers mate hes a second gen. just hope hes got it tho looks mean nothing to me. he did no bad at the tail end of last season for being a pup.
  13. this is max ma first x this will be his first season.
  14. they pups are coming on a treat robbie. there looking good.
  15. what was it?? i have information on dog theft and it keeps being pulled.why your info is all wrong the mans never stole a dog in his life end off.
  16. i yoused decca on ma pup to repare a muscel injury. the pup made a 110 percent recovery and hes fine with no efects but only gave him half a ml jab a week for 4 weeks and no more. any more than that then you could start geting problems.
  17. grow a set of balls and man up man.
  18. just back in got cought out in the thunder and lighting hailstones and a snow blizard and ended up way a f*****g numb head... other than that had a no bad night ended up way 3 charlie.
  19. had the same thing happen to me a few years ago. way a greyhound i had she was 5 weeks in pup.i was walking the dogs when a black rabbit gets up. the greyhound straight lines it. next thing bang she hits a tree stump. but in this case she never got back up..
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