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Everything posted by whistler1

  1. My 97 is just under a couple of months old,and the trigger block came of very easily....guy with the loctite must have went for his lunch....thank god.I heard the German boards are full of threads on the subject.So now when you buy a 97,you need a tuning kit and a new end block,for when you remove the bluing on the original,while trying to remove it with heat.Will cost them sales,big time.
  2. Nice gun mate,i must be one of the few people who loves the MMC cocking system.
  3. Quote] I did it myself by stripping it then using dark oak stain. Think I might give it a go.
  4. Hope he has long stay,see he is making friends already http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://bearmythology.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/chubby-prison-bear-liquid-gel-soap-ad.jpg&imgrefurl=http://bearmythology.me/2008/06/11/&h=674&w=1200&sz=128&tbnid=KaeoqwO7edr6bM:&tbnh=62&tbnw=111&zoom=1&usg=__BWD5-STrKd03GhYeICpjalsk5q8=&docid=oY5XscdMwZfx5M&sa=X&ei=SLMPUtrpLqml0wX2lIBY&ved=0CF4Q9QEwDw&dur=459
  5. Can you still call it a Group,if the 3 pellets went throgh the same hole My 97 is with SFS just now getting a stage 2 tune,cant wait to get it back.
  6. Yes i would say Delrin.V-Mach kits have got the Delrin guide as well now,pretty sure my first kit,it was steel.
  7. Maybe its just my eyes,but thay look to have went a bit OTT with the engraving.Love the look of the engraving when done on shot guns.Rest of the gun looks great....how many Ltd editions is that Daystate have now lol
  8. Scrawny looking little c##t....Looks as if he would start crying if you got a hold of him.Think that wee blonde would be better of with a real man.Hopes she is with him when the right people get a hold of him.....wont be long now Grahams.
  9. Here you go http://www.xtxair.co.uk/matts-stocks.php
  10. njerzy@hot.pl <njerzy@hot.pl>; Yes i sold mine to a chap on the BBS.It was just the length,i thought i could not live with extra length. Truth be told,i am seriously considering getting another one I sell things far to quickly.I envy these guys that can put shooting stuff away,and build up a little collection of odds and ends....me,dont use it for 2 days,sell sell The Konceptus chap who emailed me,said they will take orders by email....i prefer the site way. Brianwhat's the email address? njerzy@hot.pl I have emailed them a few times.This is the address that gets me a re
  11. That would be a first lol.Definetly do a sound comparison.Delivery of them ,takes about 3 weeks. The only down side of that silencer,thair is know access to the internals,its a solid unit. atb Brian
  12. Yes i sold mine to a chap on the BBS.It was just the length,i thought i could not live with extra length. Truth be told,i am seriously considering getting another one I sell things far to quickly.I envy these guys that can put shooting stuff away,and build up a little collection of odds and ends....me,dont use it for 2 days,sell sell The Konceptus chap who emailed me,said they will take orders by email....i prefer the site way. Brian
  13. It is unbranded.It is steel and the bluing matches the 97 myzzle weight well.The place i got it from,was a place called Konceptus Thair website has been down for a few days.I emailed them yesterday,and got a reply today,saying they hope to be up and running this week.Price,i think i payed £40 thats postage included.My hw97kt is only 4 weeks old from my local RFD,fitted the v-mach kit right away.Mine also has a spring on the end,with a little bit of wadding wrapped round it.I used a Torx bit to access mine,yours might be the same. hth Brian
  14. Yes i have tried it,no noticable to me.I found some pics of the konceptus silencer.Gives you a rough idea what i mean by it blending in.It worked pretty well,but my 97 had a v-mach kit fitted,dont know how effective it would be on a 97 out the box. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd76/WILDAXBOXER/P1010488_zps2dbd663b.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd76/WILDAXBOXER/P1010489_zps57217d8e.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd76/WILDAXBOXER/P1010487_zpsecda08ab.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd76/WILDAXBOXER/P1010486_zpsa8495706.jpg
  15. The Konceptus silencer blends in nicely with the end of the 97 barrel weight,it is identical.I just deleted the photos a couple of days ago,of it on my 97,or i would have shown you it,and unfortunitly the Konceptus website is down to.
  16. I think i know the video you are talking about.It was to quick,and he was using a SAK silencer.You will here a difference,with the hw silencer.Even more so down range.The biggest problem for a lot of people....the length.
  17. Put the HW silencer on my 97kt with the help of the besfittings adapter.It made a difference definetly made it quieter. Before that,i had a silencer from Konceptus.Screws straight on the end once the end cap has been removed.Identicle to the end barrel weight on the 97,so was a good match.Another good silencer.I sold both.Not because they did not work....it is the extra length that put me of....that simple.
  18. As much as I agree I have to disagree. The Germans would be better reinvesting some serious cash and sorting out their QC. The finnish on some of the stuff they are turning out now is shocking. Some nice looking rifles lads. Yes thair QC has definetly dipped.Not what you would expect from the Germans.Finishing springs of with grinders WTF!
  19. These Germans should be sending Si a big fat cheque,Davey as well for that matter,for uping thair sales
  20. Thairs more hw97 on here than thair is on the WOC.....realy is a poular gun,more so than ever.I think Si might have somthing to do with that
  21. I also got my first springer about 3 weeks ago,an hw97kt .22 First in 5yrs anyway.Finding it hard work....but i am enjoying it. Every time i take shot,i find myself talking to myself,trying to make sure i am doing everything right.Not a problem....could be in company though
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