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Everything posted by dev

  1. Home bred mate I have a few blackntans
  2. 4 weeks in the pic. 5 weeks today
  3. Think so but we never knew his breeding
  4. Possibably the best terrier I ever dug too. Untill he packed it in
  5. Hard dogs are very impressive . I love to dig to a hard dog but at the same time I do realise that the steady mixing type terrier is the best tool for the job. A dog that has respect for its quarry but not too much. A dog that is agressive at its work but sensiable enough not to take a mauling every time its to ground, one who bosses the situation, that will stay the distance untill the job is done. As said in one of mr darcy's book's, a "boxer not a brawler" is the best I feel .
  6. Terriermaniac what sort of a stupid fuking statement is that! Digging is sport for me. Pest controll rarely comes into it. Don't get me wrong, sometimes we have to kill to keep permission but in my eyes digging is most certinly a sport
  7. Give them a few rats surely but I would stay away from rabbits
  8. Veedublee . The reason why a lot of us dig is too work our dogs, not to kill foxes. Working your dog and releasing a live healthy fox at the end of the dig is the perfect result for us. Its about working our dogs we only kill if we have too
  9. I don't take mine out on a dig untill they are old enough and I feel they are ready to start. It stops the temptation of trying to enter them too early. I'm not saying pups shouldn't be taken out for walks through fields etc.each to their own but I don't have a problem starting mine.
  10. I'm with wilf on this one. Let him be a pup for now and when he is old enough , try him.I don't agree with the thought that pups have to be out early in the field "watching and learning" at digs etc.when the time is right he will either do it or he won't,simple as that Best of luck.
  11. We dug 7 in a pot with mick which we count as 1 dig. But we also have had 7 seperate digs in one day
  12. Ha ha mick , the more the merrier! I'm sure you will provide plenty of sport as always
  13. Deadlock I'm not trying to be a smart fella or make out like I'm some great digging man. I'm not but I do dig my dogs every weekend in winter and we average 3 or 4 digs a day. Its not hard to believe I know loads of lads digging those numbers
  14. Thousands of acres and only 13 digs in a season?
  15. Really like that dog. Looks a cracker.nice strong and bully looking
  16. Cheers lads, another pic of my blackntan before his hair cut. http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc20/devlin_014/SU1HMDAwMTUtMjAxMTA2MTktMTYyMS5qcGc.jpg
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