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Everything posted by dev

  1. you got it handy mate, we had a 7 footer in it last season, fair play mate
  2. good work mate, tell me this was that earth up the mountainy road?? if it is i dug it last year , we came across bottles too
  3. just a quick question timmy, how much is stored at a time? how many bitches could be fertilised with one sample taken from the dog?? my mate has a dog that is worth doing this with for the future
  4. r.booths is still producing pups this way off his old simon dog i think, so yes it can be done
  5. where is flatcap when you need him, lol, dude your off your rocker
  6. fine pup there, real chip off the old block, good luck with her
  7. wre could i pick one up here in ireland 0035318311520, thats the number from the north, ask for mark, they are in dublin
  8. yes jigsaw they are top class, we always use them, once you buy one and you will wonder how you ever did without one
  9. dogs first, lol,bulldog shovels, excaquicks, t bar, locator,hatchet, bow saw, torch and most important sandwiches!!!
  10. true greggy , yes ive still been getting plenty of sport,cheers! chip, that big fella is 16 months, ive dug him once, he is showing good signs so far but it early days
  11. yes hard to beat a bit of tlc from her wee brother. lol
  12. today i had a nice 3 ft dig to my bitch tonic, she was sounding and mixing very well then all was silent, i sank a bar hole and had a listen, sound of teeth on teeth, ouch!! i dug down to her and when i broke through she had killed her fox, only a small vixen but a good performance all the same.
  13. head size is nice to look at mate, but for digging foxes it dont matter, as the lads have said its the heart that counts. a mate of mine who keeps blacks has a dog with a huge powerfull head,a fine dog, great worker etc, but his sire is small and has a snipy head, the sire has a different attitude tho, he is rock hard and destroys his foxes. so cant see any reason why yours cant do the job, al the best with it
  14. when my old dog taffy first started off working there was the odd occasion when a fox had bolted that he would stay in the place were the fox had been,and we had to dig him out he never bayed or owt he would just sit there sniffing around,he soon got out of the habit and has never done it since. i had a dog that did that regular, when there was quarry there he would stay forever and dig his stuff but that habbit was too much for me and after i had dug him out 7 or 8 times at nothing i pts
  15. yes mate thats him, he is bigger now, only about 5 months in the pic, he will be 7 months in a few days
  16. real nice, some of the best looking terriers ive seen,
  17. nice one bailey, good stuff. roxy looking well, i bet she enjoyed that one
  18. i think the beeps are very handy, when digging i leave the box on beeping away, and when it stays at a steady beep i know all is well but if the beeps start getting slower then i know there is a bit of a move on underground so i stop digging to see whats going on
  19. well done smasher, old dog done well again
  20. not all are early starters, if she is not ready just let her be a pup for now, try her again when she matures
  21. looks very like my mates old dog, what age is the dog and where did you get him?
  22. my young dog tim, i dug him on sunday past for his first time, very pleased with him.
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